Ruby Arias is the daughter of Samantha Arias, and a student of Davis Middle School. Ruby is an intelligent young girl who is able to figure situations out, such as the fact that she knew her mother had superpowers before Samantha did. She is also a kind-hearted girl who has an optimistic view on things, and is able to make the best out of otherwise negative situations.
This can be seen when she didn't get upset after her and her mother were attacked by the villain Psi, and when she enjoyed a Christmas spent on the road. However, Ruby can sometimes be emotional and selfish, like when she was angered by her mother claiming that she didn't have superpowers, and put herself in direct harm to prove herself right. She also snapped at her mother because she slept in late and wasn't going to spend Christmas Eve night with her, as she had to work. In her teens, Ruby's mother Samantha, who was unknowingly the human alter ego of the Kryptonian wordkiller "Reign", became pregnant with her to a human father. She was kicked out of the house by her adoptive mother, Patricia Arias as a result.
Publication Information
- Supergirl : Ruby Arias
- Multiverse : Earth Thirty-Eight
- Version : Supergirl 2017
- Alter Ego :
- Type :
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Femle
- Origin : Earth Thirty-Eight
- Season :
- First Appeareance : Supergirl Season 3 Episod 43 : Girl of Steel
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Emma Tremblay
- Main View : Full Episod

The unveiling and her mother's powers
Ruby and her mother went to the Supergirl statue unveiling, where Ruby ran into Alex Danvers. Samantha, Ruby's mother, asked her to apologize and she did. Alex accepted and Ruby ran off, excited to see the statue. However, there was an attack at the unveiling, and a metal bar fell on top of Ruby. Ruby screamed for help, and Samantha, frantic and desperate to save her daughter, was able to lift the bar off, putting it down to a rush of adrenaline. Sometime following, her mother cooked the two of them breakfast, before driving Ruby to school.
Bonding with Alex Danvers
Ruby, Samantha and Kara visited Alex who is in a cast after her encounter with Reign, there Samantha discovered that Ruby's child-minder couldn't make it, but Alex volunteered to look after Ruby due to her unable to go to work. Ruby and Alex bonded over the day, when Alex received a text from Maggie, her ex-fiance, Alex is greatly affected by this in which Ruby helps her out and reveals that she is being cyber-bullied by a girl from school. Not allowing this, Alex and Ruby left for the girl's house and pretended to be a F.B.I. Agent and tricked the girl into believing that would be sent to juvie, the girl immediately apologized and promised she wouldn't do it again.
Discovering that Samantha is Reign
Being placed at Lex Luthor's Mansion with her nanny Ruby was cut off from communication with the outside world even though she saw the Pestilence outbreak on the news and believed that her mom came to be a victim of it based on her last phone call to her. When Alex came to the mansion she didn't give Ruby any answers about her mom which lead to her secretly making a phone call to her mother which Reign heard using her advance abilities and flew to the location to kill Ruby to sever Sam's emotional human ties. Supergirl came to the rescue however Reign's mask came off which put Ruby into total disbelief at first. She was then taken in by Alex.
See Also:
- Main Article : Samantha Arias