John Constantine among the gangsters of Mexico City, is an exorcist, demonologist and hedge warlock, self-styled as "master of the dark arts". Raised by an abusive father who blamed him for the death of his mother in childbirth.
John grew up highly cynical and cunning, and developed an interest in the dark arts. In his teenage years, he was introduced into the occult world by Anne Marie, learned various spells and became an exorcist with the hopes of one day using his powers to resurrect his mother. John became a figure of respect among the dabblers of magic. However, one night, John attempted an exorcism on a young girl named Astra by summoning the demon Nergal, only for the demon to kill Astra and drag her soul to Hell, damning her for eternity, an action which damned John's soul for Hell upon death. Overwhelmed with guilt, John initially retired but after hearing of the Rising Darkness from the angel Manny.
Publication Information
- Constantine : John Constantine
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Version : Constantine
- Alter Ego : John Constantine
- Known As :
- El Diablo
- Gangsters of Mexico City
- Type :
- Relative :
- Unnamed Father
- Mary Anne : Mother
- Unnamed Sister
- Affiliation : Jasper Winters' Millhouse
- Origin : Atlanta, Georgia, United States
- Season : Constantine
- First Appeareance : Constantine Season 1 Episod 1 : Non Est Asylum
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer :
- Main View : Full Episod

Visit to Lian Yu
Seeking an object called the Orb of Horus, an ancient spell book, John traveled to Lian Yu to retrieve it but was caught by Baron Reiter's men and interrogated, violently. Conklin interrupted the interrogation to tell Reiter of an A.R.G.U.S. communications device he found and accuses newcomer Oliver Queen of being a spy. Reiter presented Oliver with a map John possessed and after confirming his knowledge of their locations, John performed a spell to free himself from his handcuffs and held Oliver at gunpoint and used him as leverage to escape Reiter's compound. He had Oliver forcibly take him to the area he sought and performed a spell to uncover the hidden passageway, much to Oliver's shock.
Incident at Newcastle
A demon possessed a girl named Astra, the daughter of a friend of John's and he and his friends Anne Marie Flynn, Gary Lester, Ritchie Simpson, Judith and Chas Chandler attempted to stop it. John, however, decided to summon a more powerful demon named Nergal and extort him into dragging the lesser demon back to Hell, but unfortunately Nergal was able to seize Astra and killed her violently in front of everyone then pulled her soul into Hell damning her for eternity.
Paying an old debt
A few months after his voluntary interment, John discovered a possessed woman writing something on a wall. After exorcising the woman, John saw that she wrote the words "Liv Die". Remembering his promise to his friend, Jasper Winters, John left the hospital and went to the United States. There he met Liv Aberdine, the daughter of his friend who could see the true nature of supernatural things when in contact with an amulet.
Hard-traveling exorcists
Traveling to the town of Heddwich without his partner, John ended up meeting Zed Martin, who's been seeing Constantine in her dreams, along with visions of demons. Although ne didn't trust Zed at first, her specific skills and a talent for clairvoyance magic made her an asset to John. Ditching Zed at the hotel, Constantine traveled to the wake ceremony in remembrance of late Lannis Cadogan with a Hearty Cuisine Chicken Dinner as a gift, using the situation to snoop around the house and look for clues.
Masterminds of the Rising Darkness
After defeating the demon Lamashtu, John found out that the cause of all the supernatural events that have been happening were because of "The Rising Darkness". The rising darkness was a plan by the Brujería, to merge Hell and Earth together. The Brujería found a way to break the boundary that kept Earth and Hell separate. This would allow demonic creatures to roam freely across the land. Among Brujeria's creatures that John encountered were Lamashtu, Invunche and Nahash.
Restoring Sara Lance's soul
In late 2015, John received a call from his old friend Oliver Queen asking him to come to Star City to help him restore the soul of his friend Sara Lance which he accepted. He met with Team Arrow and explained that Sara needed a restoration of her soul, not an exorcism, as her sister Laurel mistook it for. John also commented on the number of pretty girls Oliver had surrounded himself with, which made them feel somewhat uncomfortable. Much to Felicity's confusion he requested a peacock feather, which he used only to scratch his back.
By late February 2016, John somehow found his way to Hell,[10] presumably to fulfill his promise of saving Astra Logue. By May, John had escaped Hell, allowing Oliver to finally get in contact with him again, asking for a means to defeat Darhk's magic. In response, Constantine sent Oliver to meet with Esrin Fortuna, who had a better understanding of Darhk's magic, and could possibly teach him to defend against it.
Meeting the Legends
In late 2017, John had encountered a demon that was possessing a little girl who knew about Sara Lance, so he infiltrated the Waverider as Sara dropped off Jax. Stating she had a debt to repay to him after he saved her soul two years ago, he requested her help to face it. With their help he learned that the girl was Nora Darhk who was slowly being taken over by a demon called Mallus. However the second exorcism again failed, with Constantine, Sara, and Leo Snart being sent back in time by Mallus.
- Magic : While referring to himself as merely an "occasional dabbler" after his failed exorcism, John is a master of the occult and mystic arts. Since his teenage years, John has accumulated vast knowledge and skill of magic, mysticism, and the supernatural.
- Exorcism : John can exorcise spirits that are demonic or ghostly in origin from their hosts by chanting incantations. Exorcism is one of John's most prominent abilities.
- Interdimensional travel : John, along with Ritchie Simpson, knew an Egyptian ritual that would allow them to travel to the reality of Jacob Shaw.
- Necromancy : John mentioned that he mastered necromancy during his teenage years. With the help of Papa Midnite, he was able to allow the spirits of the dead to move on to the afterlife.
- Summoning : John can summon various entities, and even control them. He has summoned demons to fight other demons for him, and once summoned a demon into his body to protect himself from a Invunche.
- Supernatural concealment : John mentioned that he could hide Liv from demons with a special spell.
- Telekinesis : John once telekinetically closed and locked a door. He also used this power on manifestation of a League of Assassins member.
- Cloaking spell : John recognized and dispelled this magic at Felix Faust's hideout.
- Duplicity spell : John used this spell to cover the location of Jasper Winters' millhouse.
- Protection spell : John used this spell to give Chas Chandler the ability to resurrect himself from the dead.
- Sleep spell : John used this spell to put Zed Martin to sleep.
- Occult knowledge : John has acquired extensive knowledge of the supernatural. John is master of the dark arts and well versed in demonology.
- Expert con artist : John has a well known reputation of being a con man.
- Skilled swordsman : During a spiritual adventure to save Sara Lance's soul, John demonstrated a degree of swordsmanship, able to hold his own against a manifestation of a League of Assassins member
- Skilled hand-to-hand combatant : John possesses some skill in fighting, as he was able to knock out two opponents
- Multilingual : Aside from English, his mother tongue, John can perform spells in Italian, Assyrian, and Hebrew so it can be presumed he knows the languages fluently.
- Extra sensory awareness : John had an uneasy feeling when he first arrived in Star City, which Oliver immediately claimed it was because of Damien Darhk.
- Entomology : John was able to immediately recognize Khapra beetles implying he knows insects and could tell them apart very well.
- Bag : John has a bag of items that he may need for his investigations. Some items he carries in the bag are: holy water, a police scanner, cemetery dirt, duct tape, and nails from the coffin of Saint Padua.
- Business Cards : John carries business cards that read, "John Constantine; Exorcist, Demonologist, and Master of the dark arts".
- Driving License : John carries around his United Kingdom driving license.
- Stone of true seeing : John was given this artifact by Felix Faust to see the invisible demon Karabasan.
- Lighter : John uses a specific lighter to which he lights a cigarette. This particular lighter bears an Ace of Spades, possibly to show that he faces his conflicts by himself.
- Six of Diamonds magic card : John possesses a charmed card that is able to take on the appearance of whatever its holder requires. John has used this card to imitate a credit card and health and human services ID.
- Scry Map : John possesses a map in which he uses to find new supernatural events to investigate.
- Icon of Pazuzu : John used this artifact to unleash Pazuzu's rage on Lamashtu. He then turned its powers onto itself, letting Pazuzu possess him, removing the artifact and leaving a symbol of Pazuzu on John's hand.
- Ring of Solomon : John used this artifact to trap Mnemoth.
- Zed Martin
- Chas Chandler
- Jim Corrigan
- Manny
- Liv Aberdine
- Ritchie Simpson

John Constantine (Smallville Version)

Publication Information
- Smallville : John Constantine
- Version : Smallville
- Alter Ego : Exorcist
- Known As : John
- Type :
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth
- Appeareance : Smallville
- Potrayer :
- Main View : Full Episod
When Zatanna was attacked by a man, John interferes and knocked the man out. He then introduces himself and offers her a cigarette. Zatanna and Constantine arrive at his place of business, which appears to be a black market for cursed items. He informs her that the Book of Magick she's looking for, which used to be in her father's possession, was stolen from him by a group of occultists just like the one they encountered, the Church of Blood. Zatanna says that the acolyte she fought with was already very powerful and John says that they must be planning something big.
- Magic : John is a powerful wizard, though he rarely uses his powers unless the situation demands it.