Mari McCabe was an amateur fashion designer, and the possessor of the Anansi Totem, which she used to fight crime as the vigilante Vixen, as nicknamed by Cisco Ramon. She is the granddaughter of the JSA Vixen, Amaya Jiwe, and the sister of Kuasa, and in a different timeline, was the adoptive daughter of Chuck and Patty McCabe. Due to the Legends' intervention in 1992, the village was never destroyed, thus Mari was raised by her biological parents, and grew up to become the defender of her village alongside Kuasa.
Born in 1992 in the Zambesi Village, located in the M'Changa Province of Zambesi; when she was still a baby a local warlord, Benatu Eshu, attacked it in his hunt for the totems of power. However her mother, Esi, took her to safety, along with the Anansi totem, so she was eventually put into an orphanage in Detroit and adopted by Chuck and Patty McCabe, who raised her as their daughter giving her the name "Mari McCabe". At 10 years old, after she came home from school crying, having been bullied, her adoptive mother gave her a necklace from her parents. As Mari grew up she became interested in fashion design but was always haunted by her lack of knowledge of her own past so, in 2011 she leaves Detroit and started searching around the world for any clues about who her real parents were.
Publication Information
- Legends : Mari McCabe
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Version : DC's Legends of Tomorrow
- Alter Ego : Vixen
- Known As : Mari
- Type :
- Guardian of Zambesi Village
- Vigilante
- Fashion designer
- Relative :
- Unnamed Ancestor
- Unnamed : Great-great-grandmother
- Unnamed : Great-grandmother
- Amaya Jiwe : Grandmother
- Unnamed Father
- Esi : Mother
- Kuasa : Sister
- Chuck McCabe : Adoptive Father
- Patty McCabe : Adoptive Mother
- Affiliation : Zambesi Village
- Gender : Female
- Origin : Zambesi Village, M'Changa Province of Zambesi
- Season : DC's Legends of Tomorrow
- First Appeareance : Arrow Season 5 Episod 4 : Taken
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer :
- Main View : Full Episod

Return to Detroit
After four years in search for her parents, Mari, finding nothing, returned to Detroit. Looking for work in fashion design, Mari went for a job interview, but the man claimed that her work lacked identity and instead offered her a job in return for giving him "a job" so, Mari stabbed him in the hand with a pen. Due to this, she was thrown in jail; hearing of this, her foster father Chuck posted her bail, before she collected her things and they went for a bite to eat. After that, they caught up while walking along a street and were quickly jumped by some thugs, the ringleader of whom wanted her necklace
Becoming a hero
A year later after stopping a bank robbery Mari saw on the news that Macalester had returned from Africa. Mari confronted Professor Macalester who had just finished presenting the Fire Totem of Zambesi to the Detroit Museum of Natural History. Macalester apologized, claiming that Kuasa's money for his expedition blinded him to aid Kuasa's evil intentions. He then suggested that with Mari possessing the Spirit Totem, and the Fire Totem recently discovered, they could learn so much more. Mari refused, however, and was contacted by Cisco.
Confronting Eshu
Mari later awoke in the hospital with Chuck by her side, who told her that Firestorm and The Flash had successfully saved Monument Point. Watching the TV, Mari learned that the Fire Totem had been stolen from the Detroit Museum. After recovering, Mari tracked down a man named Drake to find out about the Museum heist. After interrogating Drake, he revealed that while he did not know who did the theft, he did know that ts were paid for by a rich man from Africa.
Obtaining the Water Totem and saving Detroit
With the help of Felicity Smoak, Mari and Kuasa managed to break into the home of the collector who possessed the Water Totem. However, upon finding it, Kuasa betrayed Mari and took the Totem for herself. Attempting to escape, Kuasa was subdued by The Atom and Black Canary. Mari proceeded to convince Kuasa to help them stop Eshu and avenge their village and family, to which Kuasa agreed.
Summoned to Star City
With William Clayton kidnapped by Damien Darhk, and John Constantine in Hell, Oliver Queen decided to call Mari for help. Using her powers, Mari managed to help track down William's location. Arriving at the location, Mari and Oliver fought Damien only for Damien to overpower the both of them and escape, with Mari also losing track of William's scent. Later at the Arrowcave, Mari pointed out that she obtained her powers from her totem, and that every mystical foe she'd faced had used a similar object from which they drew power, and so concluded that Darhk had to have one.
Caught on Video
Mari was captured on video by someone's cellphone when she fought against some criminals in 2017. Shortly after, she was covertly watched by her grandmother, Amaya Jiwe, as she saved five people in the span of one night. At some point she started dating Professor Macalester.
Time Ripple
When her grandmother lost her totem to Nora Darhk, a ripple was sent through time to create a version of history where Mari never received her totem. She had become a vigilante that set out to try and keep the streets of Detroit safe without any powers. In 2018, she went into a burning building to save some people trapped and wound up getting hurt and sent to the hospital.
- Animal communication / Zoopathy : As a totem represents the tribesmen' connection to their ancestral animals, Mari is able to communicate with the animals that lived around Zambesi village even after being stripped of her necklace, asking the Savannah animals to help her in the fight against Kuasa.
- Anansi Totem : Most of Mari's powers come from her necklace, which allow her to harness the life force of animals, in essence harnessing their abilities. Since accessing its power, the necklaces has bonded with her, preventing it from being removed from her neck.
- Superhuman speed : Through the spirit of the cheetah, she becomes incredibly fast, so fast that even the Flash had a hard time catching her.
- Superhuman strength : Through the spirit of the elephant, gorilla, lion, or rhinoceros. she becomes incredibly strong. She was able to tip over whole water towers and crumble one of The Arrow's arrows in her hand. The strength she demonstrated proved great enough to challenge Damien Darhk's telekinetic power, as he struggled considerably to just barely repel her.
- Superhuman agility : Through the spirit of the tiger, she becomes incredibly agile, able to leap great distances, and preform incredible acrobatic feats.
- Camouflage : Through the spirit of the chameleon, she becomes essentially invisible, being able to blend herself in with her surroundings.
- Wall climbing : Mari can gain the wall crawling abilities of a spider, defying gravity. Flight: Mari can access the spirit of the eagle, gaining the ability to fly. Originally she was fearful to use this new ability due to a fear of heights, but she later overcame the fear after falling from a building and flying.
- Superhuman smelling : Through the spirit of the wolf, Mari can lock onto a target's scent, by first getting a sample of it. From this, she can determine if the target is within a wide area and likewise track the target down.
- Superhuman hearing : Through the spirit of the owl, Mari has very acute ears, able to hear quiet conversations from great distances.
- Underwater breathing and fast swimming : Through the spirits of the fish, the dolphin, the crocodile and the octopus, Mari is able to effectively fight and function underwater, the skills she used when fighting Benatu Eshu and the Weather Wizard.
- Hand-to-hand combatant : While unknown to what degree, Mari has shown noticeably well-coordinated kicks and punches while facing off against her older sister. Also, the fact that she was arrested for assault with a mere pen implies further proficiency in close-range combat.
- Artistic skill : As an aspiring fashion designer, Mari is a proficient sketch artist.
- Occult knowledge : Since acquiring her totem necklace, to better understand its power, Mari delved into the supernatural archives. Therefore, she has come to grasp the general nature of mysticism and how it works, being able to deduce the secrets of Damien Darhk's powers.
- Spider bite : Because a spider is the natural form Anansi, its bite can sever Mari's bond with the Totem, allowing it to be removed from her neck, thereby rendering her powerless.
- Anansi Totem : Mari bond with this necklace to summon the ashe and use animal powers.
- Vixen suit : Mari designed this suit to use in her super-heroine alter ego, Vixen.