Wally West is Iris's unknown brother and Joe's son, described as "a bit of a wayward kid who has some attitude problems and some authority issues and is quick with a sassy remark".
Wally was born after his mother's abandonment of her family, leading Joe and Iris to be unaware of his existence for eighteen years until Iris finds out. Wally finally meets his father and sister during a Christmas party shortly before his mother dies, and he has since struggled to bond with Joe and Iris. He also forms a brotherly bond with Barry Allen, although he is suspicious of Barry's weird behavior. Formerly a drag racer, Wally is enrolled at the same university Iris attended, majoring in mechanical engineering. After repeatedly being rescued by the Flash, Wally becomes fascinated with the superhero and discovers that his father has a connection with him, but is unaware that he is Barry.
Publication Information
- Flash : Wally West
- Version : The Flash
- Multiverse : Earth-1
- Alter Ego : Kid Flash
- Known As :
- Wallace F. West
- Metahuman
- Speedster
- Taillights
- Type :
- Formerly Member of Team Flash
- Vigilante
- Member of Team Legends
- Formerly Totem Bearer of One of the Lost Water Totems of Zambesi
- Formerly Drag racer
- Student
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth One
- Season : The Flash
- First Appeareance : The Flash Season 2 Episod 4 : The Fury of Firestorm (Mentioned)
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Keiynan Lonsdale
- Main View : Full Episod

He is inspired by both his father and the Flash to help people, resulting in him ultimately becoming close to Joe. Later, when Wally and Jesse Wells are locked in the Time Vault at S.T.A.R. Labs, they work together to escape but are accidentally affected by the dark matter released from the attempt to restore Barry's powers; his father and later Barry, suspect that Wally is turning into a metahuman after the incident. Eventually, Wally discovers Barry's secrets when Zoom abducts and kills Barry's father, and fully accepts Barry after he rescues Joe from Zoom. In the Flashpoint timeline, Wally is the Flash, until he is badly injured by the rogue speedster Rival and Barry and Eobard Thawne reset the timeline.
Visiting his father and sister
During a Christmas party in 2015, Wally stopped by to visit Joe and Iris, meeting them for the first time. He realized they had company and apologized for the timing but was invited into their home. Iris and Joe showed Wally around the Central City Police Department earlier before their plans to have dinner that night, where it became evident that Wally held bitter resentment towards Joe for not being in his life.
Moving in
At a later night, Wally came over to see Joe and watch Formula 1, and to do some laundry. He told Joe and Barry that he had moved out of him campus because the rent became too expensive. Joe offered to pay for some of it but Wally claimed it was fine. Later when watching the formula 1, Harry came over and wanted to speak to Joe, Wally claimed he looked like Harrison Wells, but Harry denied being him and Wally left. The next day Wally came back and Joe offered him a place in his house, which Wally quickly accepted. Later, Zoom raided the house and took Wally to his base on Earth Two, who claimed the only person able to help him, is The Flash. After The Flash struck a deal with Zoom, Wally was taken back to Earth One, and taken away from Zoom.
After Barry traveled back in time and saved his mother from Reverse-Flash the timeline was ruptured resulting in Flashpoint. Wally's earlier life is unknown in this timeline though given that Francine had already moved away and given birth to Wally prior to Nora's murder it can be presumed that Wally still grew up without knowing of Joe or Iris. However it is shown that Wally does still know them indicating he was introduced at some point, though exactly when is also unknown.
Wally, Joe, and Barry shared drinks, where Wally was confused when Barry embraced him. When Barry asked where Iris was, Joe was upset and Wally reminded Barry that Joe and Iris don't talk to each other. Wally remains largely the same throughout this timeline maintaining a supportive and brave role on Team Flash while still longing for powers of his own. Upon Jesse's return Earth One he became jealous that she received powers and he did not. However he soon gets over these feelings and continues a close friendship with Jesse though it became clear Jesse wished to begin a romantic relationship with him Wally was afraid as he knew that Jesse would soon leave to return home to Earth Two.
Becoming Kid Flash
Wally donned the Kid Flash suit and mantle for the first time in this timeline to combat Plunder alongside Barry. Barry revealed he had seen Iris dying in the future, upsetting Wally, but Barry then said that in that future, it had been The Flash who had caught Plunder. Deciding to catch Plunder himself to prove the future could change, Wally eventually succeeded with Barry's help. When a powerful meta-human from Earth-19 known as Gypsy attacked S.T.A.R Labs, Wally tried to stop her, but her powerful vibing abilities immobilized him. After Cisco defeated Gypsy, Wally learned how to phase through matter, when suddenly Jessie Quick arrived from Earth-2, telling him her father was in danger.
With the rest of the team going to save Harry on Earth-2, Wally stayed on Earth-1 to spend time with Jessie. They decided to be together, though Jesse was still very worried about her father. After Harry was brought back safely, Jessie cheered up and decided to move to Earth-1 to stay with Wally. However, Gorilla Grodd and an army of armored, intelligent gorillas followed the team back from Earth-2 and attacked Central City. Wally and Jesse fought the army together while Barry and Solovar dealt with Grodd. Later, Harry told Wally he was dying in order to manipulate him into leaving Jessie so she could spend time with Harry, but Jessie exposed the lie and Harry went back to Earth-2 alone.
Unfortunately, Wally and Jesse could not spend much time together because a bulkier Savitar started appearing to Wally in hallucinations because of his connection to the Philosopher's Stone, driving him crazy. The hallucination drove Wally to give Savitar the Stone, allowing Savitar to take on his physical form and be fully free from the Speed Force, at the expense of some of his speed, and Wally took his place. Uncontrollably being sucked into a wormhole, Wally screamed for Barry to help him but Barry could do nothing but watch as Wally's costume crumbled away and Wally vanished.
Return from the Speed Force
Eventually, Barry and Jay Garrick succeeded in getting through the Speed Force to reach Wally, who had been experiencing his worst memory (his mother's death) repeatedly for what could have been lifetimes. Jay took Wally's place as the Speed Force's prisoner, and Barry escaped with Wally. Despite his freedom, Wally was deeply scarred by his experience, and remained depressed. This was not helped by Jessie's decision to leave to take Jay's place as the Flash of his world.
Team Kid Flash
Wally worked alongside Nate Heywood in fighting crime in Central City. In the months after Barry's sacrifice, Wally and Cisco fought crime on the streets as Kid Flash and Vibe while Iris played the role of tech support at the rebuilt and remodeled S.T.A.R Labs, and Joe led the police. After recapturing Peek-a-boo, Wally and Cisco were faced by a stern wake-up call from Iris that they should act mature because the city had no one else to defend it and they were catching only 2 out of every 3 criminals.
Wally was incapacitated, as the injury would take five hours to heal so Iris let the Samuroid capture her, having faith that Barry seeing her in danger would snap out of his insanity. She was correct, and Barry raced out to save her, taking the new suit Cisco had designed for him. Wally was amazed at the speed at which Barry was running, admitting even he had never run that fast. Cisco informed him no one had ever run that fast. After Barry rescued Iris and destroyed the Samuroid, Wally welcomed him to "Team Kid Flash", a name that everyone else immediately rejected.
Leaving for Blue Valley
When Wally was waiting for Jessie to arrive from Earth Two, her father Harry Wells has arrived in her stead. He gave Wally a break-up cube which ended up malfunctioning. Harry then explained that Jesse was breaking up with Wally, which took him through a loop, in which Wally decided to venture to Earth Two and talk to Jesse. After their talk, he realized that they both needed to explore their lives, he decided to return to Earth One where he discovered that the team didn't notice he was gone. Wally then decided to go live together with his friends at Blue Valley and said goodbye to his friends and family. During his time at Blue Valley, Wally encountered a starfish from outer space and fought it.
After defeating the alien starfish, Wally decided to return to Central City, there he discovered that Team Flash had discovered the identity of the individual behind the recent influx of meta-humans, Clifford DeVoe, who Cisco named "The Thinker". Wally asked if Barry wanted to go confront him, but Barry chose not to, letting DeVoe make his move. Later, Wally attended the premarital gathering and the wedding of Barry and Iris. When it was attacked by the Nazis from Earth-X, he joined the rest of the heroes in their efforts, getting many of the people present out of the church and using his speed to deflect SS militants' bullets.
Recruited by Rip Hunter
While meditating in the Yunan Providence of China, Wally was approached by Rip Hunter who recently escaped from the Time Bureau. Rip told Wally that he was a difficult person to track down. Rip then told West that he needed his help to save the universe. He asked Rip how he had tracked him down and the man told him that he had zeroed in on the GPS in his MP3 player. Rip had guessed that Wally was off on a spiritual journey in response to being dumped by his girlfriend Jesse but he told him that he had to come back out into the light because he was needed.
Joining the Legends
He and Rip used the time courier to take them aboard the Waverider where he was reunited with Sara Lance and Nate Heywood. He also met Ava Sharpe who wasn't too happy with them after their stunt with Gary but he told them that they had to do that to try and defeat Mullus. He and Rip also learned that Ray Palmer had been kidnapped by Damien and Nora Darhk. Despite some hostilities still between the Legends, Ava and Rip, they decided to work together.
Fighting Mallus
When the team found that Amaya had taken the jumpship to go to Zambesi in 1992, they were prepared to go after her but were contacted by Rip to warn them that Grodd was going off to kill a young Barack Obama in order to break the timestream enough for Mallus to be released. Nate and Wally went together to go get Amaya while the others went to deal with Grodd. They arrived at the village and found an old Amaya preparing to pass her totem over to her daughter Esi in a ceremony but a child Kuasa came with a baby Mari to tell her grandmother that Esi wasn't coming. After their victory, they all went off to Aruba in 2018 to relax and get some down time. However, they were soon joined by Gary Green and John Constantine who dropped the head of a demon in front of them. He explained that releasing Mallus from his cage had released more than just him.
As Kid Flash

- Kid Flash Powers and Abilities
- Origin : Earth One
- Version : The Flash
- Type :
- Metahuman
- Speedster
- Alter Ego : Wally West
- Height :
- Weight :
- Punching Power :
- Kicking Power :
- Maximum Jump Height :
- Maximum Running Speed :
- First Appeareance : Arrow Season 2 Episod 4
- Main Article : Kid Flash Powers and Abilities