Kara Danvers as Kara Zor-El is the daughter of the scientist Zor-El and judicator Alura. Kara was sent to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton to protect her younger cousin Kal-El. However, Kara's pod was knocked off course by Krypton's explosion, sending her ship into the Phantom Zone where she slept for twenty-four years, while being suspended in time and not aging.
Her pod later escaped, and she arrived on Earth where she was placed with the Danvers family by a now-adult Kal-El, who was known to the humans as "Clark Kent". She is the adoptive sister of Alex Danvers and best friend of Lena Luthor. She was the personal assistant of Cat Grant at CatCo Worldwide Media until she was promoted to reporter, and is the superheroine known as Supergirl, stylized as the "Girl of Steel", the "Maiden of Might", and the "Last Daughter of Krypton". Kara was born in 1966 on the planet Krypton to the prestigious House of El. Her parents were scientist Zor-El and judicator Alura Zor-El. In her house, she had a room that overlooked the city.
Publication Information
- Supergirl : Kara Danvers
- Universe : Arrow:Earth-38
- Version : Arrowverse
- Spieces : Krytonians
- Alter Ego : Supergirl
- Known As :
- Type :
- Reporter of CatCo Worldwide Media
- Leader of Supergirl's Team
- Vigilante
- Formerly Personal assistant to Cat Grant
- Formerly Waitress at Noonan's
- Formerly Intern at Midvale Newspaper
- Formerly Part-time nanny for the Quinton's
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Female
- Origin : Krypton
- Season : Supergirl
- First Appeareance : Supergirl Season 1 Episod 1 : Pilot
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Melissa Benoist
- Main View : Full Episod

- Main Article : Kara Danvers Timeline
When Kara mentioned that she wanted to help people like Alura did one day, she was told by her mother that she would, as she had the heart of a hero. After being told to get some rest by her mother, Kara researched Hellgrammites. Kara was given a spy beacon by Astra, which could be used to call her. When Astra disappeared, Kara messaged her and Astra arrived, telling her that Krypton is dying. Unbeknownst to Kara, it was part of Alura's plan to lure Astra out of hiding to arrest her for her crimes.
As a child, Kara was very curious as she learned as much about an alien species and cultures as possible, she also looked up to both of her parents, believing them to be heroes, upon Krypton's destruction, she was devastated by the destruction of a home world and the death of most members of her family. As a teenager, Kara did not get along with her adoptive sister, Alex Danvers this was due to Alex's arrogance, immaturity and unfairly blaming her for Jeremiah's apparent death, Kara once stated to a friend Kenny Li that she has lost people she cared about, but she does not go lashing out on the entire world or blaming others for problems. As an adult, Kara is kind, caring, selfless, intelligent, brave, and has a sense of justice, honor and good morals, however, when she makes mistakes, she feels guilt and remorse for her actions. She is also a dedicated reporter, willing to go to any lengths needed to solve a story and put away the bad guys.

- Main Articles : Supergirl
- Origin : Krypton
- Version : Arrowverse
- Spieces : Kryptonians
- Eyes : Blue
- Hair : Blond
- Type : Superheroine
- Alter Ego :
- Kara Zor-El
- Kara Danvers
- Height :
- Weight :
- Appearances : Supergirl
- Main Articles : Supergirl Weapons, Powers and Abilities