Leito Igaguri is one of the protagonists of Ultraman Geed. Portrayed as a weak-willed but serious person, Leito is a family man with who works as a salaryman from the Business Affairs of Tanimaru Company.
Despite the hardships he faced in his life, Leito sees his family as a motivation to work harder. During one of Geed's fights, Leito died getting hit by a truck while attempting to save a Little Star holder named Toru Honda from being crushed by debris. Zero, touched by the human's bravery and needing a host to recuperate in, merged into Leito's body to restore him to life. While originally preferring to watch Geed's battles from afar, his body occasionally taken by the impatient Zero and is forced to participate and assist the young warrior.
Publication Information
- Geed : Reito Igaguri
- Japanese : 伊賀栗 令人
- Version : Ultraman Geed Series
- Type : Salaryman
- Known As : Third and latest human host of Ultraman Zero
- Relative :
- Rumina Igaguri : Wife
- Mayu Igaguri : Daughter
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth (Geed Universe)
- Season : Ultraman Geed
- First Appeareance : Ultraman Geed Episode 1 : Welcome to the Secret Base
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Yuta Ozawa
- Main View : Full Episod
During Zero's death at the hands of Galactron, Leito harbors a huge remorse for being helpless during that time until his new resolve allowed Zero to be revived and obtain the Riser to utilize Ultraman Zero Beyond. While fighting against Belial Atrocious, the injuries sustained from Zero was carried on towards Leito, forcing him to be hospitalized as Geed took over and emerged victorious. Leito and his family approached Zero for the last time before he return to his home world.
Ultraman Geed the Movie
Leito will appear in this movie and will merge with Zero again to fight together.
- Ultra Zero Eye NEO : The upgraded version of Ultra Zero Eye, it allows Leito to transform into Zero.
- Superhuman Feats : Under possession of Ultraman Zero, Leito is capable of performing superhuman abilities such as downrock or using a normal pen as if it was a Zero Slugger.
- Riser : Additional transformation device; by combining it with the Ultra Zero Eye NEO, it allows Zero to gain his new form, Ultraman Zero Beyond. By itself, Leito briefly used it to combine a set of four New Generation Capsules into two.
- Ultra Capsules : Provided by Hikari, Leito is in possession of Ultra Capsules that represent Zero's successors. All these were combined into two different capsules
Ultraman Zero NEO

- Ultraman Zero NEO
- Origin : Land Of Light
- Version : Ultraman Geed Series
- Users : Reito Igaguri
- Form : Zero NEO
- Announcement :
- Height : 49m
- Weight : 35,000t
- Flying Speed : Mach 7
- Jumping Height : 1000 m
- Running Speed : Mach 3
- Underwater Speed : Mach 3
- Grip Strength : 70,000t
- Appeareance : Ultraman Geed
- Leito dons the Ultra Zero Eye NEO as his arms spread outwards and Zero's body forms via incoming ribbons of light. The scene later skips to Zero's own rise, with his right hand depicted in his pre-battle stance.
- Zero Sluggers : Two throwing weapons on his head that are similar to Ultra Seven's Eye Slugger.
- Zero Slugger Attack : A slashing attack with the Zero Sluggers.
- Acceleration : Zero slashes his foes with the Zero Sluggers at full speed, used to finish off the last few monsters of Belial Army. When doing this, blue light is seen on Zero. A white light version is used against Jean-Nine.
- Reflection : Naturally resembling the Eye Slugger, the Zero Sluggers are capable of acting as mirror-like substances, which he used in a strategized attack against Virainias and his Tyrant.
- Zero Twin Sword : The Zero Sluggers turned into a crescent-shaped blade using the Plasma Spark's energy.
- Plasma Spark Slash : A slashing attack by the energizing the Zero Twin Sword, color vary between blue and green.
- Ultra Zero Bracelet : Given to him by his father, it originally stored energy to allow his transformation three times in another universe. After gaining the Shield of Baraji, it became the Ultimate Bracelet, which allows Zero to operate in other universes without such limits. The brace allows Zero to do the following:
- Ultra Zero Lance : Zero can summon an Ultra Lance from the Ultra Brace, Zero throws it through an enemy and continues until it returns to Zero. Originally the brace would transform into the lance but when it stored Noa's power the lance simply materialized.
- Ultra Zero Spark : Though not seen, Zero can changes Ultra Zero Lance to Ultra Zero Spark. Zero then throw it to enemies before back to Ultraman Zero. It is very sharp and mostly can cut through the strongest opponent.
- Ultra Zero Defender : Zero's version of the Ultra Shield using his brace. The shield can turn into the Ultra Lance and vice verse as they are the same object in different modes.
- Mode Change : Using the Ultra Brace, Zero can enter his Ultimate form, Strong-Corona Zero or Luna-Miracle Zero and switch between them and his normal form. It also can merged Zero with Ultra Zero Bracelet to form Shining Zero.
- Form Split : When pressed into a wall by Alien Bat, Zero split himself in two, one was in Strong-Corona Zero, the other in Luna-Miracle Zero. It is unknown if this was one time incident or if he can do again at will. This ability is based on Dyna Miracle and Cosmos Corona's ability to split into clones.
- Combination : Zero was able to combine with Dyna and Cosmos to form Ultraman Saga changing the Ultimate Brace temporarily into the Saga Brace. It is unknown if he can do this again at will due to the nature of their merger.
- Zero Tether : A light from the Zero Bracelet, that shows the way back to the Land of Light.

- Ultraman Zero NEO
- Origin : Land Of Light
- Version : Ultraman Geed Series
- Users : Reito Igaguri
- Form : Zero Beyond
- Announcement :
- Neo Fusion Rise: New Generation Capsule - Alpha, Beta!
- Ultraman Zero Beyond!
- Height : 49m
- Weight : 35,000t
- Flight Speed : Mach 13
- Travelling Speed : Mach 8.8
- Underwater Speed : Mach 6.5
- Latency Speed : Mach 6.2
- Jumping Height : 1750 meters
- Appeareance : Ultraman Geed
- Barrier : Like most Ultras, Zero can put up a barrier.
- Barrier Dome : Zero can enlarge the barrier into a dome, which can be used to contain other beings.
- Quattro Slugger : Zero creates projections of the 4 non-detachable Crest Weapons on his head and launches them at his target(s). They can defend against incoming attacks by having them spin around each other at high speeds. They can also be used as a makeshift megaphone if need be, and can produce sounds loud enough to launch a monster off into space.
- Beyond Twin Edge : Zero can wield two Zero Twin Swords made purely of energy, at once. They are also somewhat capable of ranged attack by launching energy slashes. Zero can also create a solid Twin Edge. They can release a purple energy slash when sliced at foes in solid form.
- Twin Giga Break : Zero enlarges the solid Beyond Twin Edge into a projection, then slashes the enemy, leaving a "Z" shaped cut through the opponent.
- Bulky Chorus : Zero firstly releases 8 energy cores from the crystals on his arms, then he stretches his arms to the side and proceeds to fire beams from those energy cores. It is strong enough to penetrate Galactron's shield.
- Wide Beyond Shot : An improved version of the Wide Zero Shot.
- Emerium Slash : Zero can shoot a laser from his forehead, similar to his old form. This attack is seen in Ultraman Fusion Fight and has not make an appearance in shows or movies.
- Zero Hundred-Fierce Kick : A continuous kicking attack.
- Zero Hundred-Fierce Punch : A continuous rapid punching attack.
- Arm Blocking : Zero uses his hands, coated with purple energy, to block beams. He can also send them back towards whoever fires them.
- Energy Kick : A powerful kick that is empowered with purple energy.
- Energy Punch : A powerful punch that is empowered with purple energy.
- Double Emerium Attack : A combination attack of Emerium Ray and Emerium Slash performed by Zero and his father Seven. Appeared in Ultraman Festival 2017.
- Double Barrier Containment : Along with Geed Maginificent's Arrayzing Geed Barrier, Zero can create a circular prison using a hemispherical barrier.
- Main articles : Ultraman Zero Original Version