Aslan was the king of the planet Kaien in the Shishi System who was murdered by a Vice Shogun named Kukuruga and also the father of the prince Lucky, who would later succeed him.
Prior to being possessed by Don Armage, Aslan is a caring man who loved his family, and his people. When being possessed by Don Armage, he becomes a brainwashed man, loyal only to the Jark Matter and being forced into willingly kill his own son under the shogun’s control. It is revealed that he is somehow still alive, but had fallen under the control of Don Armage, until Lucky freed him. Yet, Aslan decide to sacrifice his life for his son to take care of the former’s throne and saving the universe. He was first remembered in a flashback by Lucky where he gave his son a companion known as Caesar.
Publication Information
- Kyurangers : Aslan
- Japanese : アスラン
- Version : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Series
- Type : King Of Planet Kaien
- Relative :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Planet Kaien
- Season : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
- First Appeareance : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Space 36 : The Legend That Sleeps in Lucky's Homeworld
- Last Appeareance : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Space 43 : Lucky’s Promise on the Holy Night
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Gin'nojō Yamazaki
- Main View : Full Episod
When Armage attempted to murder Aslan, the freed Kaien king managed to dodge the shogun’s attacks, yet unknowingly causing the shot to hit the Black Hole Generator instead, deactivating it. As Balance inform his allies that re-activating the Black Hole Kyutama requires someone to stay behind and activate the generator manually, Aslan decided to finish the job in place of his son. Before his noble sacrifice, Aslan tells Lucky that it is his job as a father to ensure his son’s survival, bidding his son a final farewell with one last hug.
Don Aslan Form

- Don Aslan
- Origin : Planet Kaien
- Version : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Series
- Type : King Of Planet Kaien
- Height :
- Weight :

Publication Information
- Kyurangers : Jiiya
- Japanese : じいや
- Version : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Series
- Type : Guardian
- Relatate :
- Gender : Male
- Origin :
- Season : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
- First Appeareance : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Space 36 : The Legend That Sleeps in Lucky's Homeworld
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Kazuhiro Nakahara
- Main View : Full Episod
This strains his relationship with a grown up Lucky, even after the lost Aslan prince already became a Kyuranger. The reason why “Jiiya” is strict towards Lucky was for Lucky’s stricted safety under orders from his King Aslan.
As Lucky became more mature after spending much time with the Kyurangers, “Jiiya“ began to reconcile with him, realizing Lucky is finally ready to save Kaien from Jark Matter. Due to Lucky's royal background, he believed the other Kyurangers to be retainers, and demanded all of them to bow before the prince, until Lucky told him that was not the case. After the former is crowned King, he comments that Lucky would be a splended ruler.

Aslan (Impostor)

Publication Information
- Kyurangers : Aslan (Impostor)
- Japanese :
- Version : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Series
- Type : Impostor King
- Creator : Jumotsu
- Affiliation : Space Shogunate Jark Matter
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Planet Kaien
- Season : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger
- First Appeareance : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Space 37 : Lucky, Seen Again With His Father
- Last Appeareance : Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Space 37 : Lucky, Seen Again With His Father
- Number of Appeareance : 1 (Kyuranger)
- Potrayer : Gin'nojō Yamazaki
- Main View : Full Episod
When Kukuruga from Jark Matter invaded the planet Kaien, the real king Aslan sent his son, Lucky, to planet Luth so as to keep him safe. However, he was murdered by Kukuruga, and was replaced by an impostor made out of sand. The people of Kaien were made to believe that Aslan had surrendered the planet to Jark Matter so as to protect his own life. In present times, when Lucky and the other Kyurangers arrived on the planet Kaien, they saw that "Aslan" was oppressing the people of Kaien.
Lucky and the others stepped in, but Kukuruga and Jumotsu appeared, and the Kyurangers battled them. Lucky was eventually knocked out and captured, with Aslan quickly escaping once the rain set in, something that was noted by Tsurugi Ohtori as strange. When Lucky confronted his father while being captured, a few of his tears landed on Aslan's hand which caused it to slightly disintegrate.
Lucky quickly figured out that this king was a fake and not really his father, something which the other Kyurangers realized as well. Tsurugi then thought out of a plan to expose the fake Aslan during Lucky's scheduled execution. The fake Aslan was disintegrated using water attacks from the Mizugame, Kujira, and the Pump Kyutamas, and Lucky was able to properly succeed his late father's throne after Kukuruga and Jumotsu were defeated.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / ultra.wikia