Thomas Coville is a resident of National City, a former lawyer who was down on his life, until his hope in it was restored by Supergirl when she saved the crashing plane he was on. After that he went on to gather Kryptonian knowledge and create the Cult of Rao. Thomas Coville was a married lawyer and led a moderate life of success. However, he then came to learn that his wife was cheating on him with her personal trainer. After that, she divorced him, and Coville went on a drinking binge that got him disbarred after some misdemeanor drunk and disorderly incidents.
According to Coville, he once had high hopes for his life, thinking that he was building something with his success at work. After he has found out that his wife was cheating on him with a private trainer, she filed for divorce, leaving Thomas hopeless, sarcastic and self-pitying, which led to a destructive drinking binge. His outlook on life has changed after being saved from a sure death on Flight 237 by Supergirl. Seeing people of many religions praying to their gods, and Supergirl, of all people, answering their prayers, Thomas became convinced that the Kryptonians are a true source of religious. After finding a Kryptonian pod containing the teachings of Rao, he started a cult based on worshipping Rao, and also Supergirl as one of his pantheon.
Publication Information
- Supergirl : Thomas Coville
- Universe : Earth Thirty-Eight
- Version : Supergirl
- Alter Ego :
- Known As :
- Type :
- Formerly Lawyer
- Leader of the Cult of Rao
- Relative : Unnamed Wife
- Affiliation : Cult of Rao
- Gender : Male
- Origin : National City, United State
- Season : Thor
- First Appeareance : Supergirl Season 3 Episod 4 : The Faithful
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Chad Lowe
- Main View : Full Episod

Coville was on Flight 237, along with Alex Danvers, as he was returning to National City. He was telling his troubles to a younger man, when the plane started to crash, he looked around as people panicked and noticed that a few were praying. Suddenly, the plane leveled and was placed in the bay safely. As everyone celebrated, he looked out of the window and noticed Supergirl there on the wing. He was awed and amazed when he saw her fly away. The experience had a spiritual effect on him and he went on to find a BetaHedron, a Kryptonian probe that had information on Krypton's religion of the Red Sun God Rao.
Leading the Cult of Rao
The Cult of Rao was noticed by Supergirl's team in 2017. They decided to visit one of the meetings and discovered that along with the worship of Rao, Thomas has also encouraged his faithful to pray to Supergirl, making her a godlike figure, and even gathered people that were saved by Supergirl at some point, like Olivia. When Olivia's boyfriend went on to commit arson and attempt suicide just for a chance to be saved by Supergirl, Kara understood that Coville's cult was dangerous. She then confronted Coville, asking him to stop people from endangering themselves, but he saw nothing wrong with people "testing their faith". He then recognized Kara as Supergirl, but promised not to divulge her secret, thinking that the encounter has been a test of faith from Rao himself.
Worshiping the World Killers and death
After witnessing the defeat of Supergirl at the hands of Reign, Coville turned on her and Rao and began to worship the World Killers and their god Yuda Kal. When Reign saw him praying to Yuda Kal she questioned him on how he knew those words. He told her that he studied them and wanted to join Reign and aid in her efforts. At first she was skeptical but he told her that he could keep him alive long enough to serve her showing he was supportive to her cause. When Reign escaped from prison so did Thomas and showed himself in her fortress showing that now he is an ally of the World Killers. Before his escape from prison his followers would visit him mostly Olivia. Under his guidance she turned the cult of Rao into the cult of Yuda Kal so his followers would also aid the World Killers.

Cult of Rao
Cult of Rao was a radical religious sect organized by Thomas Coville, a lawyer turned Acolyte of Rao who was saved during the first appearance of Supergirl in National City, using knowledge from a Kryptonian BetaHedron. After Supergirl's first defeat at the hands of Reign, Thomas Coville joined the efforts of Worldkillers and rebranded the religion, believing Supergirl lost. This led to the rise of Cult of Yuda Kal, the antagonistic deity in the religion of Rao, now coveted by Coville's followers as the harbinger of darkness. Thomas Coville, previously disenfranchised with his life, has found hope again after he looked into the eyes of Supergirl. Believing the Kryptonian's help to be an act of a , he intended to create a cult in Supergirl's honor. At some point he's found the BetaHedron, a Kryptonian pod containing information on the worship of Rao, the sun god of Krypton. He started gathering followers at a Community Center in National City to spread the word of Rao on Earth.
Former members
- Thomas Coville
- Olivia
- Tanya
- Liza
- Olivia's boyfriend
- Pamphlet distributor
- Unnamed members
Protagonistic Antagonistic
Rao : God of Krypton
Rao is a Kryptonian deity, symbolizing sunlight. Rao is seen as a benevolent god, guiding his worshipers and giving them hope. Certain faiths, like the Cult of Rao, consider the earthly troubles and challenges part of Rao's test that his chosen must overcome. The Cult's mysterious benefactors intended to spread the idea of reigning in Rao's name to Samantha Arias and her daughter, Ruby Arias. Kara Danvers mentioned Rao, during the funeral ceremony of her aunt, Astra, and also during the Music Meister crisis.
After Mon-El's sacrifice, Kara Zor-El devoted her life to her heroics as Supergirl, reconnecting with her Kryptonian heritage, as she started to meditate and pray according to the tenets of the faith of Rao. However, she wasn't the only one who was affected by this religion. Thomas Coville, an ex-lawyer saved by Supergirl on Flight 237, has found hope in his life once again and started gathering others saved by Supergirl.
- Immortality : Due to him being a deity, Rao is presumed to be an immortal being.
- Sun / Light-related powers : Being a deity symbolizing the sunlight, Rao is credited with its powers
- Omniscience : It is said that Rao has seen the path for each of his worshippers.

Yuda Kal : Goddess of Krypton
Yuda Kal was a Kryptonian deity, symbolizing life. She was eventually replaced in the Kryptonian religion by Rao, and was denounced as an antagonistic entity in the religion, dreaded as "the Beast", compared to "a Lilith". Her followers are the Kryptonian witches, using science and dark magic to bring out the rise of Yuda Kal's harbingers, the Worldkillers, chief of which is Reign.
According to Thomas Coville and Olivia, before the leaders of Krypton erased her with Rao and the ways of science, there was a goddess of life and birth, Yuda Kal, who became feared as a dark, evil deity afterwards. Her faithful Kryptonian witches gathered in her orpheum in tribute, as did the later cult, led by Olivia. With a specific mix of chemicals and magical power bestowal, Yuda Kal could give life to new Worldkillers, turning Olivia into an avatar of her power. The goal of Yuda Kal's worshipers is revenge against Rao and an apocalyptic event of a coming darkness, which must be ushered in by Reign.
- Immortality : Due to her being a deity, Yuda-Kal is presumed to be an immortal being.
- Power bestowal : When combining the needed ingredients along with the Rock of Yuda-Kal, you will gain the power of Yuda Kal. Though, this comes with a cost, as you cannot remove it without melting the rock

Cult of Yuda Kal
Cult of Yuda Kal was a religious sect. It was formerly led by Olivia and the late Thomas Coville.
Current members
- Unnamed members
Antagonistic Antagonistic entities Related Post : Source : wikipedia / arrow.wikia