Steve Rogers is the only living, successful test subject of the Super Soldier Serum developed by Abraham Erskine during World War II. The patriotic super soldier was given the title of Captain America and fought against the Nazis and their rogue science division HYDRA.
Steve was frozen for nearly seventy years and awoke in the twenty-first century, where he joined the Avengers as their team leader. After the Battle of New York, Steve became a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. He went on several covert missions with agent Natasha Romanoff and S.H.I.E.L.D. counter-terrorism team, Strike. Both Steve and Natasha discovered that HYDRA had secretly operated within S.H.I.E.L.D. for decades. Steve, with the help of Sam Wilson, was able to destroy HYDRA's Helicarriers for Project Insight. When the Avengers reassembled to find Loki's Scepter, Steve acted as co-leader of the team with Tony Stark.
Publication Information
- Avengers : Steve Rogers
- Version : The Avengers
- Alter Ego : Captain America
- Known As :
- Captain Steven Grant Rogers
- The Star Spangled Man with a Plan
- Captain Rogers
- Type :
- Super Soldier
- Test Subject of Super Soldier Serum
- S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Brooklyn, United State
- Season :
- First Appeareance : Captain America : The First Avenger
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Chris Evans
- Main View : Full Episod

Soon after, the global peacekeeping program created by Tony and Bruce Banner known as Ultron went rogue and attempted to wipe out humanity. Steve and the Avengers were able to destroy Ultron. Steve now leads the new Avengers. Soon after, Steve and Sam found Bucky Barnes. Steve is in a unique class by himself. While there are various elements to him that still make him human, the serum has enabled him to be more than human.
Captain America : First Vengeance Prologue
Steven Grant Rogers was born in Brooklyn, New York on July 4th, 1918 to Sarah and Joseph Rogers. His father was an Army soldier who fought and died in the First World War. His mother, a nurse, died of tuberculosis. Young orphan, Steve is attacked by bullies in Hell’s Kitchen. However, Steve's resiliency, despite his small stature, inspires a young James Barnes to come to his aid and fight off the bullies. The two then become friends. Years later during an art class Steve and Bucky find out that America has joined the Second World War. Over the next two weeks Bucky trains Steve at Goldie’s Boxing Gym. They visit US Recruiting and Induction Center in New York where Steve is classified as 4F and rejected from service. Steve goes on trying to register in different cities.
Captain America : Super Soldier
In the middle of a battle with HYDRA in 1943, Captain America is desperately called for by two American soldiers being attacked with new Hydra weapons. He manages to defeat the attackers, and then contacted Howard Stark in regards to the weapons. through communicating with Peggy Carter, Captain America learns that the munitions found from the battle originated from the mountains of Bavaria based on the rare metal used. Later, He is briefed on "Project: Master Man" and how Dr. Arnim Zola has learned the secrets of the human genome as one step closer to creating the immortal man.
Captain America : First Vengeance
In April 1944, Rogers and the Howling Commandos located Schmidt was in a castle on an island in the Nazi occupied Danish Straits. There, Schmidt studied a mystical Viking rune-stone. Schmidt attempted to destroy them but they survived.
Captain America & Thor : Avengers
On a mission to a HYDRA base in 1944 with the Howling Commandos (minus Bucky for unknown reasons), Captain America stows away on a small merchant boat, when according to his plan it is attacked by a Hydra sub, the Leviathan, as it is a perfect test target. While they are distracted, the Captain swims to the sub and proceeds to enter and attack the crew, wining it for himself and the Commandos, who anxiously wait in a raft. After finding out where the base is via map
The Avengers Initiative
During World War II Cap was in London, where he fought some members of HYDRA.
Captain America : The First Avenger
On a later mission to Red skull's current base in the Alps, Captain America and Bucky boarded a HYDRA train, and upon entering engaged in a fierce battle with HYDRA agents, which resulted in the side of the train being blown out resulting in his friend Bucky falling to his supposed death. A final battle with HYDRA in the Alps saw Captain America's final struggle with the Red Skull, who essentially disappeared when grasping hold of the Tesseract, a mysterious powerful artifact allegedly forged by the Asgardians. Rogers crash-landed the Red Skull's jet into Antarctica before it could destroy cities around the world, leaving him preserved in the ice for almost seventy years. After seventy years, Rogers was defrosted and kept in a simulated 1940's environment to try and ease him into what was happening.
Agent Carter
Peggy Carter remembers Steve as she is stuck behind a desk under John Flynn.
Fury's Big Week
Whilst searching for Steve's body, Operation Frostbite, Fury was ordered by the World Security Council to abort the mission. A year later, Fury had kept a team searching for Rogers eventually finding him in the ice. Fury tries his best to calm down Agent Coulson over the possibility of meeting the WWII hero, of whom Coulson was a great fan.
Black Widow Strikes
Rogers was on S.H.I.E.L.D. screens.
The Avengers
After being defrosted, Steve found himself lost in a world that has moved on without him and found it very difficult to adjust to this modern world. Nick Fury approached him with a mission to save the world. Fury informed him that the Asgardian mischief-god known as Loki had stolen the Tesseract and intended to use it to conquer and rule the Earth. Rogers wasn't thrilled to learn that HYDRA's secret weapon and power source had found its way into this era. Rogers met with Agent Coulson; a loyal Captain America fan-boy;, Natasha Romanoff and Bruce Banner, the scientist who attempted to recreate the super-soldier serum but instead created the Hulk.
Thor : The Dark World Prelude
After Thor killed a Leviathan, Black Widow asked Captain America what he thought of Thor now, Cap stated that he "still dresses funny." Hawkeye looked at Cap and replied "look who's talking."
Iron Man 3 Prelude
After Loki was defeated, James Rhodes arrived in New York to help out Tony. Rhodes located Stark in a Shawarma restaurant where he was introduced to Steve and the other Avengers.
Iron Man 3
During discussions regarding the rebranding of War Machine to Iron Patriot on TV, Captain America was mentioned.
Thor : The Dark World
Loki masquerades as Steve during a conversation with Thor in Asgard.
Captain America : The Winter Soldier Infinite Comic
Rogers worked with Agents Natasha Romanoff and Brock Rumlow in order to take down a terrorist cell that had stolen the Zodiac weapon from S.H.I.E.L.D. and threatened to unleash it in Willis Tower in Chicago. Cap jumped out of the tower's Skydeck without a parachute to safely retrieve the Zodiac, counting on Rumlow to stop his fall. Steve questioned why S.H.I.E.L.D. still have this, as they said they had destroyed it
Captain America : Homecoming
Upon receiving intel that Nobel-prize winning scientist Professor Amanat was in danger of abduction by the mercenary group known as the Cadre, Director Fury dispatched Rogers and Natasha Romanoff to Rogers' old neighborhood in Brooklyn on protection detail. Under the guise of showing Natasha the places that he grew up, they managed to draw out the Cadre mercenaries that had set-up in multiple locations throughout the neighborhood. Tracing the mercenary that had abducted Amanat through a maze of alleyways, Cap succeeded in taking out the last mercenary with a little help from Amanat herself.
Captain America : The Winter Soldier
Rogers, having been given two years adjusting to life in the 21st century, made a list of everything he needed to catch up on that he had missed whilst being frozen. He encountered Sam Wilson during a routine jog around Washington, D.C. The pair quickly developed a strong bond as both were military men trying to cope with civilian lifestyles. Rogers joined Natasha and the Strike agents, led by Brock Rumlow, to liberate a S.H.I.E.L.D. vessel, the Lemurian Star, which had been taken over by pirates, led by Georges Batroc
Avengers : Operation HYDRA
To Be Added
Avengers : Age of Ultron
The Avengers are resembled under the command of Steve Rogers who leads them into an assault attack against HYDRA at their fortified base located deep within the European region of Sokovia in an effort to recover the Chitauri Scepter from Baron Wolfgang von Strucker. Suited up in his latest Captain America attire and upgraded enhancement on his shield, Rogers rides into battle on his Capcycle, taking down an entire squadron of hydra armoured soldiers armed with chitaurian tech single handily while the rest of the team deals with the other battalions spread out in different quadrants sectors of the research compound. A bit of playful banter occurs between Rogers and Stark when Tony Stark swore during the battle, Rogers told him to mind his language, much to Stark's amusement.
Steve Rogers appears in an undisclosed location with Sam Wilson, where they have found Bucky along with an unusual device. Steve is reluctant to ask for help from Tony Stark, so Sam mentions he knows a guy who could help.
Captain America : Civil War
Steve was leading the Avengers on a mission in Lagos where they track down Brock Rumlow. Rumlow survive the Helicarrier crashing the Triskelion, but is badly scarred. Rumlow now wears a skull mask and goes by the name Crossbones. Crossbones and his team of mercenaries ram a garbage truck into the Institute for Infectious Disease building and clear out the guards with smoke canisters. Crossbones uses hydraulic gauntlets to give him super strength, and pounds open the glass around the lab. He grabs a vial containing a deadly, highly contagious virus. Steve and the Avengers takes out some of the mercenaries, and Crossbones and the rest of the men make their escape in a truck.
Spider-Man : Homecoming
The school Peter Parker attends Midtown School of Science and Technology under the administration of the great grandson of Jim Morita. Had Captain America do several Public Service Annoucements video ads in his costume. The first one is seen during a session of gymnastics class: Captain America's Fitness Challenge. During which one of Parker's classmates Ned Leeds learns that Peter knows Captain America and they had a small fight when he stole his shield. The next PSA occurred in detention after Peter is sent their by Principle Morita for skipping class. Cap talks about being responsible for one actions. The final PSA featuring Cap is dedicated to having Patience. By this point Steve appears annoyed having to do these videos as he asked how many more he has to do.
Avengers : Infinity War Prelude
To Be Added
Avengers: Infinity War
In Scotland, Wanda Maximoff and Vision, who has the Mind Stone in his forehead, are ambushed by Black Order members Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive, but Steve with Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson fend them off. Steve and the other decide to return to the New Avengers Facility. At New Avengers Facility James Rhodes, who is once again mobile with new bionic leg braces. Rhodes talking to Secretary Ross over the Sokovia Accords as Steve, Natasha, Sam, Wanda and Vision arrive, and Bruce reunites with them. Clint Barton and Scott Lang are absent because they both on house arrest after Steve sprung them from jail.
Avengers 4
To Be Added

Captain America

- Captain America
- Origin : Brooklyn, United State
- Version : The Avengers
- Type : Super Soldier, Super Heroes
- Host : Captain Steve Rogers
- Height :
- Weight :
- Punching Power :
- Kicking Power :
- Maximum Jump Height :
- Maximum Running Speed :
- Superhuman Physiology : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve now possesses superhuman attributes; such as superhuman intelligence, strength, speed, senses, durability, agility, stamina, dexterity and reflexes, as well as an accelerated healing factor. The SSS healed all of his ailments, and physical and genetic imperfections instantly, giving him the body of a man in his physical prime. It also prevents him from getting intoxicated by alcohol. The serum metabolized and enhanced all of Steve's natural anatomical abilities beyond the peak of human potential, pushing into the early levels of superhuman condition. It permanently transformed a frail and sickly Steve into the "perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning. The SSS is definite, even without training Steve's physiology surpasses that of any human being trained to their physical and mental peaks. Steve maintains an overall very healthy lifestyle including a regular extensive and intense exercise regimen and a strictly balanced nutrition diet. This appears to have increased his capabilities further, much like how it increases strength, physical performance and muscle control in non-enhanced humans.
- Superhuman Strength : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve's strength is immensely enhanced to superhuman levels; his immense strength allows him to physically overpower combatants, including elite-trained humans, extraterrestrial troops, and robot sentries. He can effortlessly bend metal bars, slam through solid walls and reinforced glass, and pry open steel doors. In combat, his strength allows for him to send enemies flying several meters in the air from mere punches and kicks. He can even generate enough force to have his shield pierce the metal frame of a Quinjet.
- Superhuman Speed : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve's speed is immensely enhanced to superhuman level; he can keep up with most standard vehicles and cover a small area such as city blocks within a short period of time. Sam Wilson stated that Steve ran over 13 miles in less than 30 minutes, during their first encounter.
- Superhuman Durability : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve's durability is immensely enhanced to superhuman levels; as his bones and muscles are vastly denser and harder than a normal human's, which makes him much incredibly more durable than any normal human. Though he is not bulletproof, he can survive extreme blunt force trauma such as being hit with solid objects like his own shield.
- Superhuman Agility : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve's agility is immensely enhanced to superhuman levels; as his agility is greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist and leagues above even the world's greatest acrobats. He can coordinate his body with perfect balance, equilibrium, flexibility, and dexterity. He can reach very high places with great ease.
- Superhuman Stamina : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve's stamina is immensely enhanced to superhuman levels; Steve's musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human and his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity, greater than of normal humans. He can function in peak capacity for several hours before showing fatigue.
- Superhuman Reflexes : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve's reflexes is immensely enhanced to superhuman levels; becoming superior to those of the finest athlete, which allows him to dodge rapid gunfire in close range. Steve was once able to evade a gatling gun's gunfire from a Quinjet as he was accelerating towards the airship on his motorcycle. His auto-reflexes allow him to easily dodge gunfire and respond quickly to fast pace combat. Soldiers are subdued by Captain America before they can even align their weapons on him. His immense reflexes can also be used to attack and counter instead of just defensive purposes, allowing him to punish attacks with devastating counters when fighting extraordinary quick opponents.
- Accelerated Healing Factor : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve can heal much faster than normal humans; he is immune to all infections, diseases and disorders; also Steve cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, toxins, or impurities. This annoys him as he can't get drunk like his friends.
- Superhuman Immunity : Since been injected with the Super Soldier Serum; Steve is immune to most, if not all types of diseases, illnesses, drugs, poisons, toxins, radiation, disorders, diseases, disabilities, etc. He also possesses physical, mental, social, spiritual, emotional and sexual health superior to any human to have ever lived. He has endless vitality, libido and a will to live.
- Superhuman Longevity : Since been injected with the Super Soldier Serum; Steve's aging has completely stopped, due to rapid regeneration of extensively healthy perfect cells; thus Steve has a form of ageless immortality.
- Superhuman Intelligence : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve's intelligence is immensely enhanced to superhuman levels; as he can rapidly come up with the most effective strategies and tactics to defeat his enemies; this is one of the reasons why he is such a great tactician and leader
- Accelerated Perception : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve's mental performance has been immensely enhanced to superhuman levels; thus allowing his mind to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. Some manifestation of this is his exceptionally perfect charisma, eloquence, leadership skills, deductive/analytical skills, and tactical genius. Steve has demonstrated the ability to quickly process multiple information streams and rapidly respond to any changing tactical situations, by creating perfect winning strategies rapidly. He possesses perfect memory as demonstrated when he was able to perfectly replicate the locations of all HYDRA bases on a map, despite "only getting a glance". He is able to learn anything- he can memorize, understand and recall all kinds of information and skills in extraordinary capacity and in limited time. Even though he was unconscious, he was able to recall the conversation S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had while they were deforesting him. Even with his limited knowledge of modern technology, he was still able to help Tony repair a Helicarrier and prevent it from crashing, or when he quickly gave the Avengers and the first responders an efficient plan to minimize and contain damage from the Chitauri invasion. Since the Super-Soldier serum amplifies personality aspects as well, Steve's brain chemistry is also altered. Though he was brave, determined, and compassionate before, the SSS has also amplified those character traits; this is one of the reasons why he is such a great tactician and leader.
- Superhuman Senses : After been injected with the Super Soldier Serum, Steve's senses have been immensely enhanced to superhuman levels; this allows him to see further, hear with amazing clarity, detect specific persons, objects, substances with his smell, etc. He was able to notice little things such as sweat coming to a man face to cue him off on danger. He has also spotted a HYDRA soldier high up in a tree completely hidden when platoons of soldiers had no idea. His other senses may also be enhanced
- Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant / Martial Artist : Steve is an extremely skilled master at combat in the field of hand-to-hand combat and martial arts. He has an extensive knowledge of melee combat. He also displayed a variety of martial arts in his fighting style. Steve's combat style composed of a mixture of American Boxing, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Taekwondo and Aikido. In addition, Steve also displayed refined fighting techniques, applying characteristics of Muay Thai, Karate, Savate, and Wing Chun. Captain America's combat skills are considered legendary, making him one of the greatest fighters in the world. Even in World War II, when still inexperienced, Steve already proved to be a great fighter, having used his knowledge of combat, his enhanced attributes, and indestructible shield to defeat hundreds of Nazi soldiers and even the Red Skull himself. After being revived in the 21st century, Steve was quickly put into action again; he proved able to keep abreast with Loki in combat for a short period, and also managed to defeat hordes of Chitauri aliens at the Battle of New York. When a police officer questioned why he should take orders from Steve, the latter defeated several attacking Chitauri soldiers with ease, inducing the impressed officer to follow his orders without question. When he joined S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve received more extensive training, proving more than capable of defeating several armed pirates, soldiers of HYDRA, a dozen Strike agents
- Mastery Shield Fighter : Over time of training and experience with his unique shield, as well as it's physical properties, allow Steve to accomplish amazing feats with the item. Aside from bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, he is able to throw it with nearly perfect aim. Steve can hit multiple targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing him to strike enemies from behind or retrieve the shield without objects to ricochet from.
- Expert Marksman : Steve can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim and is well-versed in the use of firearms like the military-issued Colt 1911 or the Tommy Gun during WWII and eventually modern firearms, picking up an assault rifle and using with ease. While he knew how to use the modern assault rifle, he did not use to it and missed his targets each time he fires and even slipped from the platform he was and grabbed a wire to stay on the ship when caught in a hail of gunfire from the men that he was fighting on the Helicarrier. Steve also shows high expertise in knife throwing.
- Advanced Military Operator : Steve is well-versed in WWII-era armed force disciplines including intelligence gathering, espionage, escape arts, demolitions, survival, swimming, mountaineering, march or drill skills, cartography, map reading, communications, and army vehicle skills.
- Master Spy : Aside being a veteran soldier and one of the world's greatest combatants, Steve is highly a skilled spy. During World War II, Steve and the Howling Commandos successful raided several HYDRA bases, rescued Allied POWs and captured top HYDRA scientist, Dr. Arnim Zola. After being revived in the 21st century, despite his lack of knowledge of the current technologies, Steve managed to sneak around in the Helicarrier and discovered S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Tesseract-based weaponry. When Steve received additional training from S.H.I.E.L.D., he became an accomplished spy in his own right. He participated several black-ops missions with STRIKE, and helped thwart the HYDRA Uprising. He evaded capture from authorities when he became a fugitive twice.
- Master Acrobat : Steve is an expert acrobat, gymnast and aerialist. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes. Combined with his superhuman agility, Rogers has shown expertise in utilizing flips in his attacks and takedowns.
- Master Tactician : Steve is an accomplished tactician. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation. A prime example is when he formulated the plan to go in first by himself in "the front door" of Skull's hidden base and then after they bring him in, the assault team and then the full force of the SSR came in. His tactical brilliance also came into play during the Chitauri assault on New York, first in organizing first responders to protect the civilian population, and then re-deploying other members of the Avengers to best defend the city with their limited resources
- Master Leader : Steve is a natural born leader, during World War II, he led the Howling Commandos on several successful missions against HYDRA and the Red Skull. After being revived in the 21st century, Steve becomes the leader of the Avengers, as leads his team of superheroes on several successful missions, such as the Battle of New York, the Battle of Sokovia and the Avengers Civil War respectively. Despite being a fugitive of the United Nations Steve has successfully led his faction of Avengers against several terrorists groups or organizations, well still remaining under the radar for the last 2 years
- Expert Driver / Pilot : Steve is capable of conventional vehicles such as cars, trucks and motorcycles. Steve has at least basic knowledge of aircraft piloting. In the 1940s, he crash landed Red Skull's plane on the Arctic. After returning, he is able to fly a Quinjet.
- Multilingual : Steve is capable of fluently speaking English and French.
- Expert Sketch Artist : Steve enjoys drawing and does so with his free time. He even adds humor and irony to his drawings as he sketched himself as a monkey in the original Captain America uniform.
- Intimidation : As a Super Soldier, Steve commands an intimidating presence to the point where most of his enemies and allies alike, fear him, even Thaddeus Ross, the U.S. Secretary of State is terrified of Steve, but the former tries to hide it through his arrogance.
- Uniform : Steve and Howard Stark both design the suit. It is made of Carbon polymer and it offers a medium level of resistance to gunfire. The helmet also served as a mask. And allows for a sidearm. The shield can be attached to the back.
- Utility Belt : Steve wears a utility belt containing tactical devices and equipment for battle.
- Wakandan Shields : Before the Battle of Wakanda had begun, Steve was given two-handed Vibranium shields capable of collapsing to be smaller and used for bare punches. The shield's points are incredibly razor-sharp, creating an offensive weapon, being able to pierce the skin of the Outriders. Unlike Steve's previous shield; the collapsing vibranium shields cannot be used as throwing weapons.
- Capcycle : Steve had a specially designed, high-tech motorcycle during WWII. The motorcycle was designed by Howard Stark and Strategic Scientific Reserve. The motorcycle had rocket launchers, a side carrier for a standard issue rifle, and Steve usually places his shield on the handle bars to protect him from on coming artillery
- Vibranium Shield : A concave disk about 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds painted in its familiar red-white-and-blue pattern with a five-pointed star design in it's center. Constructed by Howard Stark and made from Vibranium. The Vibranium alloy can absorb kinetic energy from impacts therefore making it almost indestructible. The shield is also strong enough to combat magic and mystical weapons
- Strategic Scientific Reserve
- Howling Commandos
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Avengers
- Thor Odinson / Thor
- Tony Stark / Iron Man
- Bruce Banner / Hulk
- Clint Barton / Hawkeye
- Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
- Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
- Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet
- Vision
- Sam Wilson / Falcon
- James Rhodes / War Machine
- Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
- Scott Lang / Ant-Man
- T'Challa / Black Panther
- Peter Parker / Spider-Man
- Johann Schmidt / Red Skull
- Arnim Zola
- Heinz Kruger
- Alexander Pierce
- Brock Rumlow / Crossbones
- Jack Rollins
- Baron Wolfgang von Strucker
- Loki Laufeyson / God of Mischief
- Thaddeus Ross
- Chitauri
- Ultron
- Ultron Sentries
- Georges Batroc
- Helmut Zemo
- Main Article : The Avengers Team