Stephen Strange is a world renowned neurosurgeon until a tragic accident cost him his medical skills and career. Searching for a way to restore his talents, he traveled the world until he finally encountered The Ancient One, the enigmatic teacher who offered to teach him the ways of the Mystic Arts.
Though his focus was healing his hands, Strange learned more about the mystic arts and soon helped the Masters prevent Kaecilius and the Zealots from merging Earth with the Dark Dimension, but not before witnessing the death of the Ancient One. With the demise of his mentor, Strange then became the protector of the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City as well as Earth's protector from inter-dimensional threats. Prior to his accident, Steve had a massive ego that fueled his career. Steve only took on patients that he believed would help benefit his status, even refusing to heal a US Army Colonel's back. However, this changed after the accident, which left Steve a broken man, albeit also one extremely determined to heal himself, with Steve notably standing outside of Kamar-Taj's front door for five hours after being initially thrown out.
Publication Information
- Doctor Strange : Stephen Strange
- Version : Doctor Strange
- Alter Ego : Stephen Strange
- Known As :
- Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange
- Steve Strange
- Dr. Strange
- Mr. Strange
- Mr. Doctor
- Sorcerer Supreme
- Type :
- Relative :
- Donna Strange : Sister
- Christine Palmer : Ex-girlfriend
- Affiliation : Masters of the Mystic Arts
- Gender : Male
- Origin : United State
- Season : Doctor Strange
- First Appeareance : Doctor Strange
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Benedict Cumberbatch
- Main View : Full Movies
Captain America : The Winter Soldier
Strange was mentioned by Jasper Sitwell, who is revealed to be an undercover HYDRA agent, as a potential threat to HYDRA along with Bruce Banner, Tony Stark and President Ellis.
Doctor Strange
Doctor Stephen Strange finishes up an operation and receives news from Christine Palmer, Strange's ex-girlfriend about a braindead man with a bullet in his head. Despite fellow doctor Nicodemus West's objections, Strange operates on the man and safely takes the bullet out, leading the man to gain a full recovery. After the successful operation, Strange invites Christine to watch him at a convention, but she refuses. It is clear that Strange is a very self-absorbed perfectionist. While on the way to the convention, Strange, while speeding in his sports car up a mountain, is distracted by new patient records coming in and crashes his car off a hill and wakes up to his hands being nearly inoperable.
Thor : Ragnarok
Stephen teleported Loki away when Thor Odinson brought him to earth to search for Odin, who was not on Asgard. Stephen bring Thor to the Sanctum Sanctorum. Stephen agrees to help Thor find Odin on the condition that all Asgardians leave Earth. Thor agrees, and after doing some research during which Thor is constantly teleported around the Sanctum much to his displeasure Stephen finds that Odin is in Norway. He then releases Loki from his endless fall, and when Loki goes to attack an exasperated Strange unceremoniously sends them both through a portal.
Avengers : Infinity War
To Be Added
- Master Sorcerer : As the present guardian of the New York Sanctum Sanctorum, Steve, despite his relative inexperience, is one of the most powerful Masters of the Mystic Arts, possessing a considerable mastery of the mystic arts, which he uses to defend his native reality. Indeed, despite his inexperience, an impressed Karl Mordo claimed that Steve's prodigious skills mean that he was "born for the mystic arts", and the Ancient One herself noted that Steve has tremendous potential as a sorcerer. With the help of numerous mystical artifacts and relics, in addition to his astral powers, Steve is able to gain access to a multitude of mystical powers.
- Eldritch Magic Manipulation : Steve is able to create, shape and manipulate Eldritch Magic. He demonstrated the ability to form Eldritch Whip, and Mandalas of Light.
- Flight : Using the Cloak of Levitation, Steve is able to levitate, hover, and fly in the air even without the presence of wind. It is unknown how fast Steve can travel with the Cloak, though it is shown that it could greatly lessen the impact of falling from great height by effortlessly reducing his speed
- Teleportation : Using Sling Ring, Steve is able to open a fiery portal to another location, gaining ability to move across both the physical world and the dimensional Multiverse. He can also make portals small enough to reach through and grab several books from Wong's library.
- Interdimensional Travel : Using the same Sling Ring, Steve can travel between different dimensions and universes, crossing over different planes of existence or traveling across various forms of reality
- Astral Projection : Steve is capable of separating his astral spirit from his body, gaining access to the Astral Dimension, with him thus notably managing to assist Christine Palmer in operating his physical body, and to speak to the Ancient One's spirit before her clinical death. He also had Christine defibrillate his body to cause his Astral form to send out a blast of energy while grappling with Lucian's Astral form, which killed him.
- Chronokinesis : Using the Eye of Agamotto, Steve is able to control the flow of time, be it on a small or massive scale, notably to turn back something to a previous state, to accelerate its time in order to apply changes that have not happened yet, or to lock it in a time loop, resetting its state until he stops its effect. He first tested the ability on an apple, rewinding time on it to make it whole and then forwarding time to make it eaten down to its core, despite not actually eating it to that point before hand. He even used it to make an almost holographic reconstruction of the stolen page of the Book of Cagliostro and read from it, though he seemed to be unable to make the page real and only could reveal what had been their before. He notably used this ability to trap even Dormammu himself in the same moment, which would reset each time Dormammu killed Steve and keep Dormammu from leaving his dimension to invade Earth.
- Transmutation : During his meeting with Thor, Steve was able to turn a cup of tea, into a mug of beer, after Thor said he does not drink tea. The mug, which Thor suddenly found in his hand in the place of the tea cup, was also able to magically refill itself, much to the pleasant surprise of Thor.
- Conjuration : Steve was able to hide the Time Stone after secretly removing it from the Eye of Agamotto and later made it appear between his fingers to give to Thanos.
- Atmospheric Spell : Steve was able to conjure a wave of golden light that cleared the street of smoke and debris after Ebony Maw's Q-Ship landed in Greenwich Village, while also stopping the destructive windstorm the ship was causing. The smoke was expelled from the street and towards the sky.
- Protection Spell : Steve was able to cast a protection spell on the Eye of Agamotto in order to prevent it from being stolen by Ebony Maw, so it will burn anyone that attempts to take it, making it impossible to remove; it unless the spell was removed, even if he Steve was killed.
- Duplication Spell : During the Battle of Titan, Steve was able to create dozens of copies of himself to attack Thanos with their Eldritch Whips.
- Binding Spell : During the Battle of Titan, Steve conjured dark red metallic bands to restrain Thanos's hand so he couldn't use the power of the Infinity Gauntlet. The bands were much stronger than the usual Eldritch Whip he uses to restrain enemies, notably able to restrict Thanos's use of the Gauntlet for a considerable period of time.
- Dimensional Warping : Strange was capable of conjuring a construct of the Mirror Dimension in the form of crystalline fractals that acted as a shield, absorbing an energy beam from the Power Stone, and was also able to send the fractals at Thanos.
- Master Physician : Steve is one of the world's most renowned neurosurgeons. His skill allowed him to perform nearly any form of operation with little to no mechanical assistance flawlessly. He perfect record and reputation with the craft reached such a point that ultimately, he developed a penchant for undertaking only the most challenging of operations, in order to boost his huge ego. Indeed, his skills are so impressive, that Steve was targeted by HYDRA's Project Insight as a potential threat long before he ever became a sorcerer.
- Multilingualism : Steve is fluent in his native English, as well as Sanskrit, which made him able to read the Book of Cagliostro.
- Eidetic Memory : Steve's photographic memory and perfect recall had originally greatly aided him in medical school, helping him earn his MD and PhD simultaneously. During his mystic arts studies in Kamar-Taj, Steve managed to master entering the Astral Dimension despite Wong not believing him to be ready, and Steve later greatly impressed Karl Mordo with how quickly the former was able to understand how to use the Eye of Agamotto after reading a portion of the Book of Cagliostro's instructions only once./li>
- Skilled Hand-to-hand Combatant / Martial Artist : Strange, after being trained by both the Ancient One and Karl Mordo, gained some skill in martial arts, able to ultimately defeat and kill the Zealot Lucian, and to even hold his own relatively well against the far more experienced Master Kaecilius and Thanos.
- Strategist : Steve is also quite skilled at being able to manipulate his enemies and take advantage of the terrain. He utilized the shock paddles via Christine Palmer to channel deadly amounts of electricity from his physical body into his astral form into the astral form and consequently the body of the Zealot he was battling, electrocuting and killing him in the process. He even managed to successfully defeat Dormammu without killing him by continuously trapping him in a time loop until the demon gave into his demands. This shows Steve's ability to think on his feet, a talent he likely developed during his days as a neurosurgeon.
- Cloak of Levitation : A mantle that enables Steve to levitate and hover in the air. It can move on its own power, causing it to move and flap in the air without the presence of wind. Offensively, the cloak's ability to move and fly with or without a wearer allows it to grab, lift, tackle or send opponents flying through the air.
- Eye of Agamotto : A relic with a number of mystical properties, especially time manipulation in the user's immediate vicinity and on specific areas or targets. It is able to do so since it contains the Time Stone.
- Sling Ring : A mystical object which enables the wearer to open a fiery portal to another location. Quarterstaff: Steve used a Quarterstaff during his training at Kamar-Taj.
- Masters of the Mystic Arts
- Ancient One
- Wong
- Daniel Drumm
- Hamir
- Grem
- B'sso
- Karl Mordo
- Metro-General Hospital
- Nicodemus West
- Billy
- Etienne
- Jonathan Pangborn
- Thor Odinson / God Of Thunder
- Bruce Banner / Hulk
- Tony Stark / Iron Man
- Peter Parker / Spider-Man
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Dormammu
- Zealots
- Kaecilius
- Lucian
- Loki Laufeyson / God of Mischief
- Thanos
- Main Article : The Avengers Team