Selena is one of the members of the High Council of Argo. She is aligned with Reign, serving as a hologram that instructed and aided Reign in the Fortress of Sanctuary. Selena is described as calm yet mysterious.
This is shown when she was hearing Kara giving her speech in seeking her aid, she has conflicting feelings about whether she should help or not. After prolonged thinking, she is willing to help Supergirl in any way she can. This might turn out as a facade to her, as later when she gives Kara the item she needed, she is shown traitorous, dark, manipulative, and sadistic emotional being as demonstrated that she was willing to destroy every sanity of Samantha Arias' emotions to make her a Worldkiller and use her to show terror to other people to prove a point. When Supergirl needed a special black rock in order to defeat Reign, she met with her mother and the high council of Argo in order to obtain it.
Publication Information
- Supergirl : Selena
- Multiverse : Earth Thirty-Eight
- Version : Supergirl 2018
- Alter Ego :
- Known As : Judicator
- Type :
- Member of the High Council of Argo
- Dark Priestess
- Relative :
- Affiliation : High Council of Argo
- Gender : Female
- Origin : Argo
- Season : Supergirl
- First Appeareance : Supergirl Season 3 Episod 11 : Fort Rozz
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Anjali Jay
- Main View : Full Episod
At first, Selena seemed hesitant to give Kara what she wanted, but after hearing her speech and how Earth needed her help desperately, Selena decided to give Supergirl what she wanted. She gives Kara the black rock and watches as she boards her ship to go back to earth. Later, Selena dons her black cloak and performs a ritual to summon Reign, allowing her to break out of the prison Lena Luthor had built.
- Kryptonian Dark magic : Selene is adept in manipulating dark mystical forces. Since Selena is a devoted follower of Reign, she has various spells and abilities, as she is presumably one of the lead Kryptonian Witches.
- Power Imbuing : Selena was one of the many who helped genetically engineer and enchant Reign and the other three deceased Worldkillers. She is shown to be very skilled in the aspect of Dark Magic, as she was able to strengthen Reign to allow her to escape, even from the vast distance between Argo and Earth. As the dark priestess, she is presumably the most powerful Kryptonian magic user.
- Kryptonian physiology : Normally, like all Kryptonians, Selena's capabilities were no greater than a normal human of her physical conditioning. However, if she had been charged by the energy of a blue or yellow sun and metabolized into her body, she would have become able to perform various inhuman feats. However, this never happened as she wasn't ever exposed to a sun different to the Kryptonians' natural red one.
- Solar energy absorption : While Selena powers are dependent on the energy spectrum from a yellow sun, her body is able to constantly and passively absorb such energy while exposed to it, essentially keeping her reserves fully charged near-constantly. Direct exposure to the light of a yellow sun will also accelerate her recovery from any injuries she does manage to sustain.
- Accelerated healing factor : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena metabolism is tremendously enhanced by solar energy, allowing accelerated healing abilities and burning calories at a superhuman rate, making her practically immune to becoming fat or obese.
- Contaminant immunity : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena has an immunity to all forms of disease and contaminants on Earth.
- Flight : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena is able to manipulate her own gravitational field to generate thrust and propel herself through the air, often at hyper-sonic speeds, much faster than she can travel by foot. As such, she is able to levitate and fly past Earth's atmosphere and near the planet's orbit.
- Sleep flight / Floating : Selena has the ability to float in the air, thanks to her ability of flying, while she sleeps, or as a voluntary act.
- Levitation : Selena can levitate using her flight abilities.
- Heat vision : By concentrating every solar energy reserve she has in her body, Selena can emit blue energy beams of variable intensity and temperature from her eyes.
- Invulnerability : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena is essentially invulnerable to all Earthly weapons, with bullets simply ricocheting whenever they come into contact with her skin.
- Extreme heat resistance : Selena feels no pain when exposed to extreme heat.
- Elemental Resistance : Selena feels no pain when exposed to harmful elements like rocks, fire, electricity, and ice.
- Self-sustenance : Due to the effects of a yellow sun, Selena's physical needs are greatly reduced or completely removed.
- Atmospheric adaption : While Selena does require oxygen, her physicality allows her to survive while inhaling more harsh forms of it, or even no oxygen at all.
- Longevity : As a Kryptonian, Selena life span is considerably longer than a normal human and likewise ages much slower.
- Super breath : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena is able to exhale powerful gusts of air from her mouth which are similar to force winds. She can also cause the temperature of her breath to drop, therefore able to freeze nearly anything.
- Super inhalation : Selena can reverse the effects of her super breath in order to suck in gaseous substances, including those that would otherwise be harmful to humans.
- Super hearing : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena has super-sensitive ears that can perfectly pick up sounds from miles away and even through structures
- Thunderclap : When Selena uses her super strength to clap her hands together, it creates a powerful shockwave that throws enemies back. It also destroy‘s glass, pushes objects away from her, and disorients anyone nearby.
- Super speed : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena possesses the ability to move at hyper-sonic speeds, both through flight and on foot.
- Accelerated Perception : While using her super speed, Selena sees everything much slower allowing her to move with precision and accuracy within very fast moments.
- Superhuman reflexes : When exposed to a blue or yellow sun, Selena's reflexes are so fast, she can respond to attacks within seconds.
- Super strength : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena strength is enhanced under a yellow sun, enough to easily kill a normal human if she were to attack them directly.
- Super leaping : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena is able to jump several stories in a single bound without having to fly.
- Super stamina : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena can run, fight or fly for long periods of time, without getting tired.
- Super vision : While under the effects of a yellow or blue sun, Selena's vision is greatly enhanced.
- Electromagnetic spectrum vision : As a Kryptonian, Selena can see well into most of the electromagnetic spectrum. She can see and identify radio and television signals as well as all other broadcast or transmitted frequencies. Using this ability, she can avoid detection by radar or satellite monitoring methods.
- Microscopic vision : Selena has achieved the ability to see extremely small objects down to the atomic level, and magnify objects for her eyes to see.
- Telescopic vision : Selena possesses the ability to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics. Though limited, the exact extent of the ability is undetermined. In function, it is similar to the zoom lens on a camera.
- X-ray vision : Selena has the ability to see through objects; except for lead.
- Infrared thermal vision : Selena has the ability to see heat and cold signatures of people and other objects. Reign can also see with better acuity in darkness, and to a degree in total darkness.
- Telepathy immunity : While under the affects of the yellow sun Selena is immune to most forms of telepathic powers.
- Expert Kryptonian historian : Selena was said to have such a vast knowledge of Krypton, and every aspect of its history, including the times before Rao, so the Kryptonian scientists modeled the Fortress of Sanctuary hologram A.I. after her, and even imbued it with her brainwave patterns and knowledge of Krypton.
- Multilingual : Selena is capable of speaking fluently English and Kryptonese.