Peter Quill is an interstellar adventurer who was abducted from Earth at a young age. He became the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Peter was abducted from Earth by the thieves and smugglers called the Ravagers. Their leader, Yondu raise Peter and show him how to survive in deep space. Yondu aslo taught Peter how to be the perfect thief.
Peter is naturally upbeat and sarcastic, he looked on the bright side. It seemed that his 80's pop culture laden references to his life on earth were his way of remembering where he came from. He is also very protective of his personal Sony Walkman, it being a gift from his late mother, and being one of his few ties to his home planet and people. He is also quite tough, as he is willing to challenge a guard and be electrocuted while demanding he get his Walkman back, and latter beating his way throw multiple guards to reach it. Also, Peter has no qualms with killing, as he kicked an energy sphere light into two Sakaarians to disintegrate them and then shot Korath, all when they would not let him go and when he felt threatened by Korath's mention of being questioned by Ronan, who he did not. Interestingly, he only killed Korath's and Ronan's men, while he only electrocuted and knocked out the Kyln Guards.
Publication Information
- Guardians of the Galaxy : Peter Quill
- Version : Guardians of the Galaxy
- Alter Ego : Star-Lord
- Known As : Peter Jason Quill
- Type : Leader Of Guardians of the Galaxy
- Relative :
- Ego : Father
- Meredith Quill : Mother
- Gomora : Lovers
- Yondu Udonta : Mentor and father figure
- Affiliation : Guardians of the Galaxy
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth
- Season :
- First Appeareance : Guardians of the Galaxy
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer :
- Main View : Full Movies

Guardians of the Galaxy
In 1988, Peter Quill sat in a hospital waiting room, outside the room in which his dying mother Meredith Quill was being treated. In attempt to comfort himself, he quietly listened to his beloved mixtape "Awesome Mix Vol. 1" which his mom made for him on his Sony Walkman. Reluctantly Peter obeyed his signalling grandfather and entered the operating room. His dying mother gave him a gift for after she was gone and told him he was an angel, just like his father. She asked for his hand, but before he can pluck up the courage she died.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Peter Quill and the Guardians of the Galaxy were hired by the Sovereign to secure their power source, the Anulax Batteries. The Guardians prepared for a battle with the interdimensional beast known as the Abilisk. The Abilisk descended upon them and the Guardians, excluding Groot who was dancing to "Mr. Blue Sky" instead, initiated their attack in an attempt to annihilate the Abilisk. Since their weapons did little to harm the Abilisk due to its thick flesh, Drax tried to kill it from inside by allowing it to swallow him. Star-Lord noticed a cut on the monster's neck and ordered Rocket to get it to look up. Gamora then sliced the Abilisk downward, killing it and letting Drax spill out of the hole.
Avengers : Infinity War
To Be Added

- Human-Celestial Hybrid Physiology : Due to his celestial heritage, Peter possesses superhuman durability, stamina, endurance, recovery, resistance, and tolerance. As he was not raised with humans, he never knew how frail they were compared to most of the alien species in the universe, and therefore never noticed how different he was compared to them. This allowed him to survive unscathed while being pummeled, being smashed against stone surfaces, and sent flying through the air by Korath's own inhuman strength. He was also immune to damage from falling from great height. While Gamora could survive for several minutes and possibly hours in space within Knowhere's nebula due to her cybernetics and life support implants, he could do the same without them. His incredible abilities became the most apparent when it took several minutes for the Infinity Stone he held to start killing him, whereas other beings would've been destroyed within seconds. In addition, Peter suffered no lingering effects from being in the vacuum of space, recovering completely after being brought unto Yondu's ship. despite the great harm that was done to him. Strangely, his overall physical performance is shown to be at its peak, which also enhances his mobility and even his strength, which allowed him to tackle Groot, who is larger and heavier than him, a few feet out of the path of the crashing Milano.
- Superhuman Durability : Due to his celestial heritage, Peter possesses superhuman durability.
- Superhuman Endurance : Due to his celestial heritage, Peter possesses superhuman endurance.
- Superhuman Stamina : Due to his celestial heritage, Peter possesses superhuman stamina.
- Ergokinesis : Due to his celestial heritage, Peter can manipulate the energy within him to create whatever he can possibly imagine. It was suggested that he might've lost this ability at the end of the second movie, but whether this is true remains to be seen.
- Matter Manipulation : Due to his celestial heritage, Peter can manipulate the matter around him to create whatever he can possibly imagine. It was suggested that he might've lost this ability at the end of the second movie, but whether this is true remains to be seen.
- Immortality : Due to his celestial heritage, Peter possesses immortality.
- Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant : Peter is shown to be an expert in close quarter combat. He was able to hold his own against Gamora, an assassin trained by Thanos. He was able to take down multiple Nova Corps and Kree Soldiers. He is highly inventive in battle, such as using his detachable jets on Gamora to send her flying away. Also, his dual handguns can be used as hammers to strike down and knock out opponents.
- Expert Thief : Due to him being raised by the Ravagers, Peter has mastered the art of thievery and evasion.
- Expert Marksman : Peter shown to be well-versed in the use of firearms from all over the universe
- Skilled Acrobat : Peter's agility, dexterity, reflexes, coordination, and balance is at the peak of human ability, allowing him to perform gymnastic and acrobatic feats, as well parkour and free running. His reflexes allowed him to effortlessly catch a small lunging creature trying to bite him while he was wearing head phones and seemingly distracted by his music. He was able to leap across a large chasm and perform a combat roll while sliding along his ship directly into the cockpit. He has used the detachable jets on his legs to further increase his agility, allowing him to jump several feet up and evade attacks with inhuman speed.
- Master Pilot : Peter is an accomplished starship pilot. He was able to escape Korath and his men
- Universal Knowledge : Peter having grown up in space has extensive knowledge on various alien technologies, customs, societies and cultures.
- Star-Lord Helmet : The helmet allows Peter to breathe in the vacuum of space. The helmet also allows Peter to see ultraviolet and thermal waves. The helmet has internal communications systems.
- Star-Lord Uniform : The uniform protects Peter from the effects of absolute zero temperature of deep space.
- Jet Boot Attachments : Peter has miniature jets that he attaches and rotates onto his boots to make jet boots. They are controlled with a buttons on his thigh and are used to increase forward and upward movement. He has used them to jump several feet up and evade enemy attacks by blasting himself out of the path of such attacks. They can also be used in flying in deep space. As he is known for improvisation in combat, he has also used these detachable jets to send enemies flying through the air after he attaches it to them.
- Quad Blasters : Peter's primary weapons are his dual barreled, twin blaster handguns that fire gold-colored fiery blasts from the top barrel, and blue, electric-like streaks from the bottom barrel. They each have two triggers for the index and middle finger that fire the top and bottom barrel respectively. The blast from the top barrel is lethal, striking the target with the concussive, explosive force, enough to send a target flying several feet away and killing them on impact. The bottem barrel's electric streaks are used to electrocute the target and incapacitate them and it is also used to knock out the target and stun them. Both triggers can be used at the same time at fire its barrel in a dual shot attack to fight against several opponents or more resilient ones. Also, the weapons can be used for melee and close quarters, allowing Quill to use them to hammer and knock out his opponents, while he has also blasted opponents while punching them with the barrels of his weapons.
- Milano : Milano is a spaceship used by the Guardians of the Galaxy.
- Ronan the Accuser
- Korath the Pursuer
- Thanos
- Main Article : Guardians of the Galaxy