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Odin Borson

Odin Borson was the father of Thor Odinson and the late Hela Odinsdottir, the adopted father of the late Loki Laufeyson, the Asgardian God of War and Wisdom, and the king of Asgard. A powerful yet peaceful leader, Odin was the Allfather of all Asgard and was dedicated to preserving peace between the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil before his disappearance, his status was unknown as Loki appeared masquerading him during a brief conversation with Thor.

In Thor: Ragnarok, it was revealed that Loki had placed Odin under the influence of his mind control and send his Earth, Odin eventually broke free from Loki's mind control, but chose not to return to Asgard, as he knew his life was coming to an end; instead, he chose to spend his last remaining days on earth, he then dies peacefully with both his sons at his side. After his death; Odin's son Thor succeeded him as the king of Asgard. Odin was the all-powerful ruler of Asgard. As such, he was wise, honorable, and dedicated to keeping the peace between the Nine Realms. He believes in responsibility duty. However, when angered or upset, he can be very stern or borderline ruthless, such as when he stripped Thor of his powers and exiled him to Earth.

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Thor Prologue

Odin is a member of the Asgardian race, once looked upon by people of Northern Europe as Gods, and is the ruler of Asgard. At one time he led a force of Asgardians against the jotuns in defense of people on Earth. The Asgardians beat the jotuns back to their home realm of Jotunheim where Odin granted them mercy and offered them a truce. In the process, he also confiscated the Casket of Ancient Winters that gave them much of their power and rescued a baby jotun who had been abandoned in the conflict. The infant Loki grew up as a brother to Odin's real son Thor, and Odin kept the boy's heritage a secret in the hope that he would one day come to end the enmity between the two races.

Captain America : The First Avenger

Odin was mentioned by Johann Schmidt as keeping the Cosmic Cube in his trophy room, and for some reason leaving the cube on Earth eons ago.


Centuries after the Asgardian/Jotunheim war, Odin held a ceremony to name Thor as his heir but the event was interrupted by several jotuns breaking into Odin's vault. He activated The Destroyer in defense of the vault, thus ending the threat of the jotuns reclaiming their artifact but opted not to press the matter any further. Thor insisted that he launch an attack on Jotunheim but Odin rejected the idea, preferring instead to preserve the shaky truce. Thor then defied his father's will and launched a small-scale attack of his own. Upon learning of Thor's defiance, Odin went to Jotunheim himself and drew his sons and their friends back to Asgard.

Thor : The Dark World Prelude #1

When Heimdall noted that the destruction of the Bifrost "continues to shift the balance of power across the nine realms...and into the worlds beyond Yggdrasil." Thor realized that by saving Jotunheim, he had weakened the other realms. Odin indicated this has brought the universe closer to Ragnarok. A guard told Odin that Tyr had requested to speak with him.

The Avengers

After discovering that Loki was on Earth after the Cosmic Cube, with the Bifrost destroyed, Odin had to summon dark energy to send Thor to Earth, so he could stop Loki.

Thor : The Dark World Prelude #2

After Loki and Thor returned to Asgard, Loki told Odin why he had to attack Earth, but Odin no longer considered Loki his son and called him a "creature I do not recognize". Odin informed Loki that the only reason he wouldn't be executed was because Frigga still loved him. Odin then sent Loki to the dungeon.

Thor : The Dark World

Loki was brought before Odin, who confronted him for his crimes. Odin did not execute Loki because Frigga did not want him dead, so he sentenced him to life imprisonment. When Jane Foster was taken to Asgard, Odin initially tried to have her taken back to Earth, believing her to be suffering from human illness, until he realized the Aether was inside her. He told Thor about the Aether and the Dark Elves, and that he did not know how to get the Aether out of Jane. When Malekith and Algrim attacked Asgard, and Algrim killed Frigga, Odin decided to wait for Malekith to attack again so that he could fight back and kill him.

Doctor Strange

To Be Added

Thor : Ragnarok

To Be Added

  • Asgardian Physiology : As the king of Asgard, Odin was extremely powerful, as Odin was by far the most powerful being yet revealed in the Nine Realms, seemingly far more powerful than either Loki, or any other superhero or supervillain. Odin possessed various superhuman attributes common among the asgardians; such as superhuman strength, speed, agility, reflexes, stamina, durability and longevity. However, as the king of the asgardians, many of these attributes were significantly superior to those possessed by the majority of his race.
    • Superhuman Strength : In spite of his advanced age, Odin possessed superhuman strength surpassing that of most asgardians. Odin was capable of lifting over 100 tons. He was able to lift a Frost Giant over his head with his spear and throw him a good distance. He was able to catch Thor by his leg while Thor was using the spear to hold on to Loki, essentially hold them both.
    • Superhuman Agility : Odin's agility, balance, and bodily coordination were far superior to the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
    • Superhuman Reflexes : Odin's reflexes were superior to the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete, to a much greater extent than one would think.
    • Superhuman Stamina : Odin's musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human, and most other asgardians. As a result, he possessed superhuman stamina in all physical activities. He could exert himself at peak capacity for years before fatigue would begin to impair him.
    • Superhuman Durability : Odin's body was considerably more resistant to physical injury than the body of a normal human or even most other asgardians for that matter (with the exceptions of Thor, Loki and Heimdall). Odin's body was capable of withstanding great impact forces, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, falls from great heights, and powerful energy blasts from cosmic level beings without sustaining injury; however, to what extent was unknown.
    • Superhuman Immunity : Odin was immune to all known earthly diseases and infections. Superhuman Longevity: Like all asgardians, Odin was extremely long-lived, as he ages far slower than normal humans. During the last Great War between Asgard and Jotunheim, Odin was at least 1800 years old, when he died, he was over 5000 years old, if not older.
  • Sorcery : Odin possessed vast knowledge of the mystical arts; for example, he was able to place an enchantment on Loki Laufeyson giving him the physical appearance of an asgardian, he also had the ability to take away Thor's power and to put a spell on Mjölnir to enable the one who is worthy of it to wield it.
    • Odinforce : Odin was capable of manipulating vast amounts of magical energy, referred to as the Odin Power, or the Odin Force, for a number of purposes. With this power, Odin was capable of feats such as reading minds from across even dimensions projecting force blasts and although it seems to be frowned upon to do so, generating "dark energy", which enabled him to conjure Thor to Earth without the Bifrost. Odin was highly skilled in the use of his powers during combat situations, and was able to casually take down and kill Frost Giants with ease during the war. Odin's full power was thus considered at the least equal to that most every other deity of Earth. Odin was also capable of placing multiple permanent enchantments on items, as he did for Mjölnir when he exiled Thor to Earth. After Frigga's death, she and the other fallen Asgardian warriors, were given a grand funeral ceremony and at the end Odin slammed Gungnir on the ground, and the bodies of the dead transformed into a glittering mist that flew up into the night sky. When he died, Odin's body dispersed into energy; despite this, his mystical power allowed him to transcend death and exist as a spirit, allowing Thor to have visions of his father to communicate with him.
    • Telepathy : Odin could sense the minds of other individuals from across even dimensions; for example, when he was about to crown Thor king, he notices that Frost Giants were in his trophy room.
    • Telekinesis : Odin could telekinetically move objects or other individuals without physically touching them; for example, he was able to take Mjölnir from Thor, without physically touching it.
Other Abilities
  • Master Hand-To-Hand Combatant: As the God of War, Odin was a master hand-to-hand combatant and close quarters fighter. In battles against opponents of similar power, Odin carried the magical spear Gungnir an artifact made of the metal uru, that can be used to channel the Odin Force. Even without the Odinforce it can still match Thor's hammer in battle.
  • Master Tactician : Odin's thousands of years of experience resulted in him becoming a master tactician. He had led the armies of Asgard into battle for countless years in wars over all the Nine Realms.
  • Master Leader : As the God of Wisdom, for over thousands of years, Odin had led the effectively led the Armies of Asgard into victory in countless wars over all the Nine Realms.
  • Intimidation : As the king of Asgard, Odin command an intimidating presence to the point where many of his enemies across the Nine Realms fear him.
  • Odinsleep : While possessing the Odinforce that was inherently opposed to the need for outward sustenance, Odin must, once a year, during the Asgardian winter, undertake the Odinsleep for 24 hours to regenerate. During this time Odin was guarded closely as he was vulnerable. Despite his limitations and weaknesses, such as the need for the Odinsleep annually, despite this, Odin was still the most powerful being in all of the Nine Realms.
Related Enemies See Also: Related Post : Source : wikipedia / marvel-movies.wikia
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