Loki Laufeyson was an Asgardian prince, the God of Mischief and usurper of the Asgardian throne. A misshapen Frost Giant, he was the adopted brother, former nemesis and friend of Thor Odinson, the adopted son of the late Odin Borson and the late Frigga, and the biological son of the late Laufey, and an enemy of the Avengers.
Loki was the son of Laufey, but was abandoned as an infant and rescued by Odin, with the intention of using him as a bargaining chip to maintain peace with the Jotuns - but these plans met a moot point almost immediately. Adopted by Odin and Frigga at the end of the Asgardians' war with the Jotuns, Loki is treated as a prince of Asgard and was never informed of his true heritage throughout his youth - however, Odin secretly intended for him never to sit on the throne of Asgard because of his Jotun heritage. Loki is smaller and thinner and has a darker hair color and paler in complexion than the Asgardians. Throughout their childhood Loki spent much of his time trying to prove himself as Thor's equal while studying magical arts rather than physical prowess.
Publication Information
- Thor : Loki Laufeyson
- Version : Thor 2011
- Alter Ego : God of Mischief
- Spieces : Asgardians
- Known As :
- Loki Odinson
- Loki of Asgard
- Loki of Jotunheim
- Type :
- Prince of Asgard
- King of Asgard
- King of Jotunheim

Admittedly jealous of his adoptive brother, Thor, and anxious about a kingdom ruled by the loud and violent God of Thunder, Loki allows several Jotuns to enter Asgard, who then proceed to try and steal the Casket of Ancient Winters during Thor's coronation. Later Loki admits that it was "just a bit of fun" meant to ruin his brother's special day and to keep Asgard from his reign for a short while longer. In the wake of this intrusion, Thor is eager to launch a counterattack, and Loki appears to attempt to dissuade him while possibly actually goading him into action.
Thor : The Dark World Prelude #1
As Loki struck a deal with Thanos and The Other which involved him going to Earth to take the Tesseract, his mother discovered he was alive and tried to speak to him, but Loki told her it wasn't a good time to talk.
Fury's Big Week
Loki, unseen to everyone and possessing Erik Selvig's body, is introduced by Nick Fury to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.' underground base. In here, he meets Clint Barton, who will be Selvig's bodyguard and guardian. Loki recognizes him, and, after asking if he was part of the team in New Mexico, he remarks that he has quite a good memory for faces.
The Avengers
After falling through the wormhole, Loki arrived in a part of the universe unknown to both the Asgardians and humans and came into contact with The Other, a servant of Thanos, who offered a pact that would allow him to become ruler of the Earth while Thanos and the Chitauri would take the Tesseract, the cosmic cube left on Earth being studied by S.H.I.E.L.D. Thanos gave him ancient knowledge through the powers of the Tesseract, providing him with a golden bladed staff with a blue gem that was powered by the cube itself. It acted as a very powerful weapon, and also as a mind control device, bending those who were touched by the gem's power to its will.
Thor : The Dark World Prelude #2
Loki is taken back to Asgard as prisoner. Odin tells him that "The boy I knew is dead. What remains is a creature I do not recognize" and the reason Loki is still alive is because Frigga still thinks of Loki as a son. Odin addresses Loki as Loki Laufeyson now.
Thor : The Dark World
Loki is brought back to Asgard in chains by Thor and brought before Odin to answer for his crimes. Loki shows no sign of remorse, thinking he committed a benevolent act as a god. Odin thinks otherwise and adds that if it weren't for the compassion of Frigga, Loki would probably be dead. Odin sentences him to spend the rest of his days in the dungeon. Later, he watches from his cell as Fandral and Volstagg bring in some prisoners, including a disguised Algrim. Frigga, in the form of a hologram, visits him and expresses her concern toward him, though he brushes it off.
Doctor Strange
To Be Added
Thor : Ragnarok
To Be Added
Avengers : Infinity War
To Be Added
Avengers 4
To Be Added
Loki The God of Mischief

- Loki The God of Mischief
- Height :
- Weight :
- Power :
- Punching :
- Kicking :
- Jump Height :
- Running Speed :
- Unlike his adoptive brother, Loki is not an impulsive man, quite the opposite; thoughtful, manipulating, farseeing, he's the perfect tactician. Loki is mischievous by nature, always eager to prove himself. Being physically weak in comparison to most Asgardians, he developed a sharp intellect and an acute mind to overcome his handicap among the Asgardians.
Despite being a misfit of the Frost Giants and the Asgardians, Loki is still extremely powerful. Being a misshapen Frost Giant, Loki possesses some of the characteristics of his kind, including resistance to extreme cold and to his brethrens's frost powers. He also possesses superhuman physical abilities, as well as having incredible magical powers of illusion and transfiguration, as well as being surprisingly skilled in combat and a master strategist.
- Frost Giant Physiology : As a Frost Giant, Loki possesses immense strength, durability, longevity, dexterity and an accelerated healing factor.
- Superhuman Strength : Loki possesses immense physical strength as a result of his Jotun lineage that is comparable to his Asgardian contemporaries, which he has honed in combat training alongside his brother Thor.
- Superhuman Durability : As a Jotun, Loki has an extremely resilient body with a tolerance for physical trauma that's similar to the Asgardians. Of particular note is his pronounced tolerance for cold, which vastly exceeds that of an Asgardian.
- Accelerated Healing Factor : While he was dazed and badly injured by the Hulk, Loki was far from dead and managed to recover enough to stand up not long afterwards and only had minor cuts and bruises that healed in hours.
- Superhuman Longevity : Loki has the capacity to live for thousands of years like the average Asgardian. Loki was a baby at the end of the last great war between the Asgardians and the Jotuns over a thousand years ago.
- Superhuman Dexterity : Loki possesses viciously fast reflexes, enough to catch Hawkeye's arrows in mid-flight, inches away from his face.
- Cryogenesis : As a Frost Giant, Loki can generate mystic cold, as seen when he froze the lightning in the Bifrost Bridge to jam its functions. However, he has not been seen using this power since.
- Sorcery : Loki is a master of magic. He was given his skill in magic by Frigga, who decided to share it with him. With his training, Loki eventually became a highly skilled and formidable sorcerer, with it being his main asset in battle.
- Illusions : Loki can create holographic illusions, using them to make decoys of himself or to disguise himself.
- Mind Control : Loki's abilities allow him to influence people with his mind, allowing him to implant thoughts and subtle suggestion to them, as he did to Odin to cause him to believe he was an elderly human and trap him in a retirement home.
- Invisibility : Loki can make himself and others unable to be seen or heard, though this ability is not always thought to be caused by illusion, but also by mental influence, as he can still appear in mirrors despite his ability to make others not notice him.
- Telekinesis : At realizing the death of Frigga, he clenched his fists and telekinetically threw away everything in his Asgardian prison cell and caused small tremor in his cell that flickered all the light in it.
- Conjuring : Loki demonstrated being able to summon objects out of thin air, as he caused the Casket of Ancient Winters to appear and then disappear into thin air in a warped, swirling blur of motion when he used it to freeze Heimdall. He was also able to make his daggers appear out of nowhere to attack Dr. Strange.
Loki has shown that being a "god" of a different world, he is able to understand and eventually utilize Earth and other alien technology to an excellent degree, such as using the eye device on the scientist and learning to use the control console that controls the cage.
- Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant : Loki, though not seen practising very often, is still devastatingly skilled in armed and unarmed combat. In Thor, he showed surprising skill with a dagger and was capable of killing several Jotuns in battle.
- Master Tactician : As the God of Mischief, Loki is a master tactician and a superb tactical thinker in military situations, far exceeding Thor and Odin. He is regarded as a devious and subtle man by his friends, but this vastly underestimates his true capacity. He showed his tactical genius in all three of his films. In Thor, he managed to manipulate all of the participants in his plan against each other, or apart from each other, so that he was able to use them to his advantage.
- In battle, Loki uses throwing knives, which glow when in use, to injure his enemies, while he also proficient with a dagger or spear. His throwing blades flashed light when in use, similar to other Asgardian weapons.
- While he was the king of Asgard, Loki used magic artifacts like Odin's spear, Gungnir, which can project mystical blasts of energy, and control the Destroyer or the Casket of Ancient Winters.
- Loki used a special staff that was exceedingly powerful. He was able to use it as a means of energy projection of a powerful blue laser blast which was powerful enough to kill several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Loki also used the staff to put people under his mind control and even stabbed Agent Coulson through his torse and heart with the blade. It is revealed that the Mind Stone was hidden within the staff, which allowed for the user to take over people's minds by tapping the blade against someone's chest.
- The Destroyer
- Chitauri
- Sif / Goddess Of War
- Clint Barton / Hawkeye
- Erik Selvig
- Thanos
- Warriors Three
- Heimdall : Guardian Of Rainbow Bridge
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Nick Fury
- Avengers
- Frost Giants
- Dark Elves
- Hela : Goddess of Death
- The Other
- Humanity
- Main Article : Thor God Of Thunder