After escaping Loki's mind-control, he joins the Battle of New York as a founding member of the Avengers. He reassembled with the team when Loki's Scepter was located. He also played a role in recruiting Wanda Maximoff and her brother to the Avengers. Clint left the Avengers after defeating Ultron in order to spend more time with his family.
Clint Barton was serving in a military branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. when freakish atmospheric events, followed by the discovery of Mjölnir in an impact crater, he was deployed to New Mexico as part of a security force to protect the object. Soon after his deployment, Thor broke into the S.H.I.E.L.D. compound and fought his way to the mysterious hammer. Barton responded to the alarms by collecting a compound bow and claiming a high vantage point suspended from a crane. Despite making several radio transmissions warning that the intruder was reaching the hammer, Barton was never given a shoot order, forcing him to let his target go. A man of few words, Clint has always been the silent one. He is often "up in his nest", which means that he prefers to be alone. In battle, he seems to be confident in his abilities. He even went as far as not to look at his target.
Publication Information
- Avengers : Clint Barton
- Version : Avengers
- Alter Ego : Hawkeye
- Known As : Clinton Francis Barton
- Type :
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : United State
- Season :
- First Appeareance : Thor
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Jeremy Renner
- Main View : Full Movies

He also stated that it would be his pleasure to fight with the Avengers. In Captain America: Civil War, Clint joined Steve Rogers' cause, in the Avengers Civil War, he has no regrets for helping Steven despite knowing that he could get arrested, as he does not agree with or support the Sokovia Accords in general, like Steve, he puts his morals and honor first, and logic second, but at the same time he was setting a good example for his children, after Clint and his teammates were all captured and taken to the Raft, when Tony Stark visited, he did not hesitate to taunted him.
Fury's Big Week
Fury contacted Barton, upsetting him due to the fact that it was the first day of his first vacation. However, once Fury told Barton that he was assigning him to a possible alien crash site in New Mexico, he decided to go. On his way to New Mexico, Barton passed by the Roxxon Gas Station where Coulson passed by earlier. Clint arrives to the site where Coulson and the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are. He asked Coulson if he caught an alien, but Coulson corrects him stating it was an alien object. After Thor breaks into the base, Barton spots Jane Foster running away. Barton informs Coulson about this after Thor is arrested.
Black Widow Strikes
To Be Added
The Avengers Initiative
As part of a test, Barton, in disguise, enters the Helicarrier, where he downloads a file about the members that were in consideration for the Avengers Initiative, when suddenly he's attacked by Black Widow. Barton is shot with a Ray Gun by Black Widow. When Fury shows up, Barton tells him that he should've told him that the Widow had a Ray Gun Fury tells him that it would be negative, as this test had to be as realistic as possible.
The Avengers
With his mission completed in New Mexico, Barton gets assigned to guard the Tesseract at a S.H.I.E.L.D. research facility. When it began emitting increased levels of gamma radiation the entire facility was placed on high alert and most staff were evacuated, while Barton and a few others remained as rearguard for as long as they could. The emissions proved to be a precursor to the unexpected appearance of Loki, who had used it to reach Earth extradimensionally. Barton and the other guards were quickly overpowered and Barton was promptly enslaved into Loki's service.
Iron Man 3 Prelude
After Loki was defeated, James Rhodes arrived in New York to help out Tony. Rhodes located Stark in a Shawarma restaurant where he was introduced to Clint and the other Avengers.
Thor : The Dark World Prelude
After Thor killed a Leviathan, Black Widow asked Captain America what he thought of Thor now, Cap stated that he "still dresses funny". Hawkeye looked at Cap and replied "look who's talking".
Avengers : Operation HYDRA
To Be Added
Avengers : Age of Ultron
To Be Added
Captain America : Civil War
When Captain America and his team are being hunted by the Government, Captain America calls Barton to rescue Wanda Maximoff from the New Avengers Facility where she is under complete protection by Vision. While Vision and Wanda are sleeping, Barton sets off an explosion outside, waking up Vision and Wanda. Vision tells Wanda to stay inside while he goes outside to investigate the situation. Wanda watches as Vision goes outside, when suddenly she senses the presence of someone behind her. So she launches a knife with her powers but stops the knife when she realizes that it is her friend and former teammate, Clint Barton. Barton pushes the knife infant of him and jokes that he should've knocked.
Avengers : Infinity War
To Be Added
Avengers 4
To Be Added
Clint Barton The Hawkeye

- Hawkeye
- Clint then slammed on his cell and warned his teammates to watch their back, as Tony was likely to break it, by this point he has lost complete trust and respect for his former ally and teammate, after he was freed from the Raft by Steve, he learns from the latter that Tony try to kill Bucky because he discovered he was responsible for the death of his parents, well completely disregarding the fact that Bucky was under the influence of HYDRA at the time, and was not in control of his actions, Clint likely became even more enraged and disgusted by Tony's actions.
As Hawkeye, he possesses no superhuman powers. Clint is a skilled marksman with an exceptional ability in archery. He possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intense regular exercise and is considered athletic. He also possesses a custom-made bow, a modernized quick-release quiver, and a number of specialty arrows. Hawkeye is able to fire six arrows faster than the average human can fire six bullets and is known to be a master archer with extraordinarily fast reflexes, exceptional dexterity, and near-perfect aim. He is also an excellent all-around marksman well versed in conventional firearms, and possibly has an uncanny knack for using miscellaneous hand-held objects as projectile weapons. Hawkeye is a veteran espionage operative, a formidable physical combatant, and an experienced fighter pilot, as evident in the Avengers, as he was able to pilot a Quinjet with ease along side Natasha Romanoff.
- Master Archer : Clint has trained himself to become a master archer specializing in the use of regular bows, longbows, compound bows, and crossbows with near-perfect accuracy. He is capable of firing multiple arrows at a single target in a few seconds, hitting multiple targets in a few quick strokes, and hit small targets in the greatest of distances. As Hawkeye, he practiced a minimum of two hours per day to keep his skills honed.
- Expert Marksman : Clint possesses very keen eyesight, and his accuracy is virtually unerring; he was trained in his youth by Trick Shot with throwing blades, balls, bolas, and boomerangs. He now has near-perfect precision with any aimed or thrown weapon. He can hurl objects with extreme speed and accuracy, both in direct aim and complicated rebounds/interactions. He was able to shoot down a Chitauri ship without even looking at it.
- Expert Acrobat : Clint possesses exceptional human strength, endurance, and stamina. He is athletic, with very good reflexes and agility. This, combined with training as an aerialist and acrobat, makes him capable of complex acrobatic maneuvers.
- Expert Fighter : Clint is an excellent combatant, having been trained in various styles . He was able to fight Natasha to a standstill although she eventually bested him in combat. He was capable of overthrowing many of the Chitauri soldiers, alongside the Black Widow, on the ground zero during the battle in New York with utilization of his recurve bow as well as his trick arrows.
- Expert Tactician : Clint has been trained in military tactics under the training and service of possible military branches before operating with S.H.I.E.L.D. In The Avengers, Clint commanded a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives, under the unwitting control of Loki just as the same as he was, for heisting a vault in Germany and infiltrating the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier with esteemed success. Each of these actions required a diversion.
- Quiver : Hawkeye's quiver is supplied with a multitude of different arrow heads in the bottom. By dialling up an armament setting from a control on his bow, Hawkeye can cause the quiver to affix these special arrowheads. This effectively increases the capabilities from conventional arrows, to explosive arrows, a grapple line, and more.
- Recurve bow : The bow is capable of folding on itself and has a selector and transmitter that allows Hawkeye to control his mechanical quiver. It also has a laser sight.
- Compound bow : Clint used a compound bow when he was in New Mexico.
- Tony Stark / Iron Man
- Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
- Vision
- James Rhodes / War Machine
- Peter Parker / Spider-Man
- T'Challa / Black Panther
- Loki Laufeyson
- Chitauri
- Ultron
- Main Article : The Avengers Team