Lonnie Machin is the foster son of the late Crystal Olguin and the late Michael Olguin and a former part-time mob enforcer who was originally hired by H.I.V.E. to stop Jessica Danforth from running for mayor.
However, after his disfigurement, he became an anarchist with the intentions of destroying both H.I.V.E. and Green Arrow; but he ultimately fails. Lonnie is a sadistic murderer and a psychopath, taking deep pleasure in making his victims suffer, as he was planning to torture Madison Danforth for hours. He killed cops and paramedics even while horribly injured himself. He enjoys playing mind games with his victims, feigning mercy before resuming his torture. He believes that the natural order of things is chaos, reveling in the randomness of things. Lonnie is shown to be confident and ambitious.
Publication Information
- Arrow : Lonnie Machin
- Version : Arrow 2015
- Alter Ego : Anarky
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Known As :
- Type :
- Formerly Anarchist
- Formerly Mob enforcer
- Relative :
- Crystal Olguin : Foster Mother
- Michael Olguin : Foster Father
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth One
- Season : Arrow
- First Appeareance : Arrow Season 4 Episod 2 : The Candidate
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Alexander Calvert
- Main View : Full Episod

He was barely fazed when Team Arrow burst in. As an enforcer, he had worked for different factions but was assumed by many to be too unstable and extreme; because of this, he has been fired by many criminal organizations. When Damien Darhk rejected him he nearly crossed the line against him by grabbing his arm while protesting. Lonnie has no guilt or remorse for killing innocent people, and does nothing to try to avoid it; he has no sense of honor or morals.
Mob enforcer
Lonnie worked for Rick Pinzolo, the Bertinelli crime family and the Chinese Triad; eventually Rick and many other criminal organizations fired him because they realized that Lonnie was not only too unstable and extreme, but he also lacks a moral compass and a sense of honor.
Stint with H.I.V.E.
Lonnie began working for H.I.V.E., where he made an attempt to stop Jessica Danforth from running for mayor. After Lonnie's set up attack, he escorted Jessica out. When a security guard noticed he wasn't in Danforth's detail, Lonnie attacked the guard with his electric baton. Before he could go after Danforth, Oliver threw him off a balcony. Lonnie was chased by Oliver through the building and over rooftops but managed to escape, though he left his fingerprints behind on a windshield.
Hunting down Damien Darhk
Several months later Lonnie killed his foster parents. Now wearing a mask he went after Damien Darhk as revenge for his betrayal. He managed to find the lair of H.I.V.E. and killed all the guards present. However Darhk had anticipated his arrival and had fled. Lonnie stayed at his former home and placed a boobytrap as he expected a counterstrike from H.I.V.E. Instead Team Arrow showed up. He expressed joy to see them and then run off while planted rifles forced them to take cover. Thea chased him and he knocked her over with an explosive. He mentioned to Thea that he would not hurt her as she had helped him get to his true self.
Rampage in Tevat Noah
Lonnie was able to find the underground H.I.V.E. facility Tevat Noah and infiltrated the place. He killed multiple guards and questioned some to learn more about the facility and where Damien Darhk is. Machin then took control of a house which controlled the CO2 scrubbers of the facility and threatened to stop the life support system. Machin mocked some captured guards about living underground like parasites and then prepared to shut down the life support system. Thea Queen showed up and told him to stop. Machin told her to leave but she identified herself as the one who burned him. Thea tried to talk him down but as Machin did not responded Malcolm Merlyn hit him in the shoulder with an arrow. Machin fired his gun at Malcolm and then escaped the scene.
Against Star City
Using a bomb, Machin planned to destroy at least half of Star City in the explosion. However he was confronted by the Green Arrow. Seeing the vigilante, Machin used a pair of Kamas to engage Green Arrow. After a brutal fight, the Green Arrow was finally able to impale Machin's hand with an arrow against the wall. Machin expressed disappointment that Green Arrow would not kill him, after which the emerald archer knocked him out, leaving Lonnie for the SCPD to arrest.
- High-level intellect/Expert tactician : Lonnie is very skilled in misdirection and preparation, able to skillfully get to his targets with little chance of being caught before it is too late. From the knowledge he already had after working with Damien Darhk, Lonnie was able to find the lair of H.I.V.E. and the house of Damien despite that they both were off the records and highly concealed. By himself he was able to identify and systematically target the vital systems of Tevat Noah and destroy the entire facility.
- Peak of human physical condition : Lonnie is in top physical condition, able to deflect arrows shot at him.
- Acrobatics/Free-running : Lonnie is able to quickly scale walls and jump over obstacles. He was skilled enough to flee from Oliver and avoid getting caught.
- Master hand-to-hand combatant / Martial artist : Lonnie is a master hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist, as he was able to hold his own against Oliver Queen (under the guise of Green Arrow); on several occasions and best him.
- Master stick fighter : Lonnie is a very skilled stick-fighter. He is able to use his electric baton with excellent skill, block arrows and also able to turn it into a three section staff during combat. Using his skills, he was able to defeat Oliver Queen and was even able to fight Oliver Queen, John Diggle and Thea Queen simultaneously and fend them all off before fleeing.
- Indomitable will / High tolerance for pain : In addition to his love of inflicting pain, Lonnie is shown to have a very high resilience to it. After being severely burned by Speedy, Lonnie was able to escape police-captivity while slaughtering the officers on duty. Even while suffering from three wounds inflicted by arrows he was able to keep going without slowing down and still fight with great efficiency
- Stealth / Infiltration : Lonnie can sneak around unnoticed. He was able to sneak up on Thea and take her out. He was able to break in the heavily guarded, underground facility Tevat Noah and move around without being seen; not even Malcolm Merlyn could completely track him.
- Expert interrogator / Torturer : Lonnie is skilled in the use of torture. He has a huge amount of tools at his disposal to make victims suffer. His skill in torture is such that he was able to crack one of Damien Darhk's "Ghosts" easily despite their reputation for preferring to die rather than give up any information about H.I.V.E..
- Weapons proficiency : Aside from his baton, Lonnie is also skilled with Japanese kamas and possibly other weapons such as knives.
- Electric baton : Lonnie used an electric baton to fight Oliver. The baton is also capable of expanding into a three section staff.
- Flamethrower : Lonnie used a flamethrower in his masked alter-ego, threatening Damien Darhk's family.
- Kamas : In his latest confrontation Lonnie used a pair of kamas to battle Green Arrow.
- Knife : Lonnie carries at least one knife with him. He used a knife to cut himself free after he was bound.
- Mask : Lonnie would wear a Halloween mask following his disfigurement.