James Jesse is a psychotic criminal who operated under the guise of The Trickster. Considered the most dangerous thing Central City had ever seen prior to the Particle Accelerator explosion, Jesse was incarcerated in Iron Heights Prison after committing a series of terrorist attacks, in which he killed at least ten civilians and two cops.
Years later, James Jesse eventually became one of The Flash's many enemies, going so far as to develop an obsession with killing the Flash, as seen with drawings on the wall of Jesse's maximum security ward. Childish and exuberant in nature, James Jesse’s lack of conscience and bloodthirsty nature was deterred by a silly demeanour such as his love for candy and garish clothing in his earlier days. Even during his plans fruition, successes and failures, Jesse remained with a childish grin and happy demeanour - presumably this was a part of his psychoses. Joe West states that Jesse’s malice upon Central City was such that even the multiple metahuman rampages that occurred after the Particle Accelerator’s explosion paled in comparison to the danger and terror that Jesse inflicted with his attacks in his hay day.
Publication Information
- Flash : James Jesse
- Version : The Flash 2015
- Alter Ego : The Trickster
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Known As : Criminal
- Type :
- Terrorist
- TPsychotic criminal
- Relative : Axel Walker : Son
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth One
- Season : The Flash
- First Appeareance : The Flash Season 1 Episod 17 : Tricksters
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Mark Hamill
- Main View : Full Episod
Five years later, after Axel had begun to act as the new Trickster, Detective Joe West and Barry Allen came to him for help, giving him red liquorice to co-operate. He angrily claimed to have no association with the new Trickster, demanding that they kill him before he ruin his reputation. Apparently realizing that there could only be one way for the new Trickster to replicate the composition of his explosives, he directed them to his old lair. They returned later, having found nothing in his lair's vault. In discovering this, Jesse let them know of a giant bomb that he had, one big enough to blow up Central City.
Christmas release
Six months later, nearing Christmas, Mark Mardon came to Iron Heights to free him and Leonard Snart, hoping the two of them would aid him in killing the Flash, however Snart declined. Jesse, on the hand, who had wanted to get revenge on the Flash ever since he was recaptured, agreed and sent out a video to Central City declaring his intention to kill the Flash. When Flash and Patty Spivot arrived at his location it was a trap and he attacked them with bombs. Flash escaped by shooting a whirlwind at the ground.
Two years later, Jesse escaped and leaving drawings in his cell, meaning his obsession to Flash and that he will return to kill him. However his former partner doubts he will ever return as she told their son she hasn't heard from him leaving his fate unknown.
- Genius-level intellect / Expert tactician / Manipulator : Despite his deranged nature, James lives up to his moniker, proving himself to be very crafty and methodical in his schemes. He is very patient and well-prepared, having used his time locked up in prison to plan out his escape while likewise preparing his next crime.
- Expert engineer : Through his various terrorist attacks, James showed himself a very talented chemist and mechanic, able to produce a very unique and potent bomb-type. Only he was said to know the formula for the chemicals in his bombs, though Axel Walker learned it from him and used it in his own bombings
- Acute sense of smell : Jesse claimed he could smell the candy Barry had despite the sweets being wrapped in plastic and in Barry’s pocket, although this may have just been more of his mind games.
- Main Article : The Trickster (Earth Three)

Axel Walker

Publication Information
- Flash : Axel Walker
- Version : The Flash 2015
- Alter Ego : The Trickster
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Known As : Criminal
- Type :
- Terrorist
- TPsychotic criminal
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth One
- Season : The Flash
- First Appeareance : The Flash Season 1 Episod 17 : Tricksters
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Devon Graye
- Main View : Full Episod
Taking up the mantle of The Trickster
In 2015, Axel began acting as a new version of The Trickster. He sent parachute bombs over a park in Central City, but no children were killed thanks to The Flash. He announced via a blog that The Trickster had re-emerged. The Trickster announced in another one, his plans to go bigger than the parachute bombings because he thought that, 'they deserved something much bigger.' He misled the public to believe that he had hidden a giant bomb to destroy the city so both the police and The Flash were distracted.
Brief return and arrested once again
Axel is seen questioning Barry how he killed Clifford Devoe. He eats a pudding that does not agree with him. It's revealed that's all part of a escape plan organized by his mother who wants the both of them to go the straight and narrow path. Axel however refuses her and wants to attain his father's attention by pulling off a big crime however that's unsuccessful so he is finally arrested along with his mother by Elongated Man and Vibe.

Zoey Clark

Publication Information
- Flash : Zoey Clark
- Version : The Flash 2018
- Alter Ego : Prank
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Known As : Criminal
- Type : Formerly Owner of Clarx Toys
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Female
- Origin : Earth One
- Season : The Flash
- First Appeareance : The Flash Season 4 Episod 11 : The Elongated Knight Rises
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Corinne Bohrer
- Main View : Full Episod
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / arrow.wikia