Isabel Rochev was the vice president of acquisitions at Stellmoor International and later the CEO of Queen Consolidated. She was on The List and was also revealed to be a partner of Slade Wilson.
She was also a member of the Church of Blood, and of Slade Wilson's army. Isabel was adopted by an unnamed couple, and was the ex-lover of the late Robert Queen and had a one night stand with Oliver Queen in Russia. Following Slade's assault on Starling City Isabel donned a leather suit, similar to Slade's Deathstroke one, as Ravager. She was killed during the assault by Nyssa al Ghul. Isabel was a driven and determined woman, but she stated that she was lonely. She was also impressed with Oliver when he stood up to protect his family's company, despite the rumors of Oliver being a lazy, rowdy rich boy.
Publication Information
- Ultras : Isabel Rochev
- Version : Arrow 2012
- Alter Ego : Ravager
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Known As :
- Type :
- Relative :
- Viktor Rochev : Father
- Unnamed : Mother
- Unnamed : Adoptive father
- Unnamed : Adoptive mother
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Female
- Origin : Moscow, Russia
- Season : Arrow
- First Appeareance : Arrow Season 1 Episod 1 : Pilot
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Summer Glau
- Main View : Full Episod
She took her job at Queen Consolidated very seriously and was highly annoyed when Oliver kept missing meetings and didn't put all his focus on his job. Isabel was obsessed with revenge on the Queen family because of Robert's jilting her, she blamed Thea for breaking up her relationship with Robert, claiming that they were "soulmates" and that he would have run away with her and left his family behind, if not for Thea when she fell off her horse and injured herself.
Allying Slade Wilson
Isabel, still resentful of Robert Queen, became associated with Slade Wilson who trained her in the art of combat, in a process which she says almost killed her, but her desire for revenge against Robert's family kept her going. Slade began Isabel's training in a warehouse in Central City, at first training her with sticks as he had with Oliver on Lian Yu. When Isabel told Slade she believed she was ready to use real swords, Slade agreed and dueled her briefly, cutting her several times and leaving her lying in a pool of her own blood.
Revenge on the Queens
When Queen Consolidated started plummeting, Isabel attempted a hostile takeover of the company. Having already bought 45% of the company's shares, she mentioned her wish to Oliver Queen of buying out the last 10%, effectively having power over the company. However, her plan was derailed when Oliver was able to get 5% thanks to support from Walter Steele, as did Isabel, thus making them equal partners. Oliver was warned by his mother not to trust her, believing her to be dangerous.
Sometime after her death, Isabel's crimes in aiding and abetting Slade Wilson's attack on Star City were exposed to the public, causing another huge scandal for Queen Consolidated. After Adrian Chase was exposed as Prometheus after months of acting as Oliver's friend and the city's district attorney, Oliver reflected to Thea that Chase's deception made Isabel's seem like a bad joke.
- Enhanced physical condition : Isabel received Mirakuru by a blood transfusion from Slade. Her physical capacity was increased in terms of stamina, strength, durability and reflexes, in addition to an accelerated healing factor. She also survived being run over by a van.
- Enhanced strength : Due to the Mirakuru serum, Isabel was much stronger than a normal human.
- Enhanced speed : Due to the Mirakuru serum, Isabel was able to move much faster than a normal human.
- Enhanced durability : Due to the Mirakuru serum, Isabel was able to take more damage than a normal human. After Felicity Smoak ran over her with a van, she quickly recovered and showed no signs of being damaged.
- Enhanced reflexes : Due to the Mirakuru serum, Isabel was able to react much faster than a normal human.
- Enhanced stamina : Due to the Mirakuru serum, which reduces the effects of fatigue, Isabel could exert herself at peak energy capacity greater than any normal human could.
- Accelerated healing factor : Thanks to the Mirakuru serum, Isabel was able to heal much faster than a normal human.
- Skilled hand-to-hand combatant : Isabel had some training in hand-to-hand combat, due to the fact that she was brutally trained by Slade Wilson, as she mentioned and displayed when she briefly fought Oliver Queen.
- Skilled swordswoman : Isabel appeared to have some skill at swordsmanship, as she was shown fighting with a pair of dual swords.
- Bilingualism : As a native Russian, Isabel speaks that language fluently, in addition to English. She reveals that when she took up English, it took her a while for her Russian accent to disappear.
- Ravager suit : Isabel wore a leather suit as her supervillainess alter-ego, Ravager, to hide her identity from her victims. It is a suit similar to Slade's Deathstroke suit. It was most likely given to her by Slade after he injected her with the Mirakuru.
- Ravager mask : Isabel wore a mask as her supervillainess alter-ego Ravager, to hide her identity from her victims. It is visually similar to the Deathstroke mask, however the colors are inverted, has a rounder shape and her nose and mouth are visible.
- Customized swords : Isabel used customized dual swords, similar in appearance to those used by Slade on Lian Yu.
- Sidearm : Isabel carried a sidearm on her right leg.

Viktor Rochev

- Viktor Rochev
- Viktor Rochev was the husband of a late unnamed woman and the father of the late Isabel Rochev. Viktor had a daughter, Isbael, with his wife. When the girl was 9 years old, Viktor, having been indebted to the Solntsevskaya Bratva, was killed in a hit, alongside his wife.

Stellmoor International

Publication Information
- Arrow : Stellmoor International
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Version : Arrow 2012
- Type : Company
- Loacation : Star City, United States
- Owner :
- Season : Arrow
Former employees