Publication Information
- Legends : Todd Rice
- Version : DC's Legends of Tomorrow
- Alter Ego : Obsidian
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Known As :
- Type :
- Relative :
- Affiliation : Justice Society of America
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth One
- Season : DC's Legends of Tomorrow
- First Appeareance : DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 Episod 1 : Out of Time
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer :
- Main View : Full Episod

Todd Rice is a member of the Justice Society of America known as Obsidian. He was presumably one of the meta-humans in the JSA targeted by the Dominators in 1951.
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
After the Legends forced Albert Einstein to reveal Mileva Maric as a ghost collaborator, Obsidian and the Justice Society of America intercepted them, wanting to bring them in for questioning. During the fight between the Legends and the JSA, Obsidian fights Mick Rory. Obsidian uses his ability to fade in shadows and disappears, reappearing behind Mick, tossing him over with a shadow rope. He also he clouds the sky with his black smoke. After the win of the JSA, Obsidian is present when the Legends are held in custody, and Rex Tyler asks his team what to do with them.
Obsidian is also present during the first encounter with Krieger, but is injured by this monster. He's later seen recovering in the med bay as well as Stargirl. Before leaving, Amaya gave him a proper goodbye due to the fact she had not give him one before impulsively stowing away on Waverider. Todd went back home after declining an invitation from Amaya to join her in time traveling, citing he was retired from the hero business. He gave Amaya some advice that even though they led a demanding and taxing life as a hero, it didn't mean that they had to go through it all alone.

- Obsidian
- Origin : Earth One
- Version : DC's Legends of Tomorrow Series
- Type : Member of JSA
- Alter Ego : Todd Rice
- Height :
- Weight :
- Maximum Power :
- Maximum Flight :
- Punching Power :
- Kicking Power :
- Maximum Jump Height :
- Maximum Running Speed :
- Appearances : DC's Legends of Tomorrow Series
- Umbrakinesis : Obsidian can envelop his surroundings in complete darkness. He can even make his black smoke tangible to form whips and tentacles that can restrain or send people flying through the air. He can dematerialize into a shadow/smoke-like state, using it to fly and move across rooms in seconds, as well as partially transform to allow bullets to pass through him harmlessly. His uniform seems to come from his smoke darkness, allowing him to revert to his civilian clothing at any time.
- Obsidian suit : Todd wears a protective suit for when he is operating as Obsidian.