Gary Lester was a former member of the Newcastle Crew and a friend of John Constantine.
Dealing with Mnemoth
Following Newcastle, Gary became a full-blown heroin addict to try to forget. He eventually found his way to Khartoum, Sudan, where he came across a man who had had a demon trapped within him via containment markings on his face. Gary, hoping to atone for Newcastle, tied the man down, exorcising him. He then trapped the demon in a bottle. Following that, he left Sudan for Atlanta, United States. He was stopped by American customs, where a man interrogated him about the bottle. The man accidentally dropped the bottle, causing it to possess him. Constantine noted that the demon could only truly be trapped in a human body, Gary realizing that he was going to be the elected human all along.
Publication Information
- Constantine : Gary Lester
- Version : Constantine 2014
- Alter Ego : Gaz
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Known As :
- Type :
- Exorcist
- Hedge mage
- Friend of John Constantine
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Male
- Origin : Earth One
- Season : Constantine
- First Appeareance : Constantine Season 1 Episod 4 : A Feast of Friends
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Jonjo O'Neill
- Main View : Full Episod

He accepted his fate, seeing it as a chance to finally redeem himself. Constantine began the incantation, causing Mnemoth to be exorcised out of the man and go in to Gary. Using the Kusa, he scarified Gary with the containment markings. Following that, he took him back to the millhouse, where he suffered immense agony, before finally being visited by an angel, Manny.
Newcastle Crew
Gary was present at Newcastle, where John Constantine attempted to exorcise Astra Logue, only for her to be dragged to Hell by the demon Nergal. He hid under a bed, having been smoking the whole day leading to him being utterly high.
- Magic : Gary Lester was able to perform some magical feats.
- Exorcism : Lester was able to exorcise Mnemoth out of Okot.
- Demon entrapment : Lester was bale to trap demon inside the bottle.
- Lock picking : Lester possessed at least rudimentary skills in lock picking, as he had shown picking a lock with a paper clip to stole Kusa from Fernbank Museum of Natural History.
- Bottle : Lester used some sort of ancient ritualistic bottle to trap Mnemoth.
- Kusa : Lester had stolen a ritualistic scarification knife from the museum.
- Paper clip : Lester used some paper clip for lock picking.