Caitlin Snow is a bio-engineer at S.T.A.R. Labs and a former scientist at Mercury Labs. She was working during the particle accelerator disaster and tended to Barry Allen during his coma with Cisco Ramon until he woke up. After he began his crusade as "The Flash" Caitlin became a member of his team with Cisco and Dr. Harrison Wells, before discovering the latter's identity as Eobard Thawne, and provides medical support for the team.
Caitlin is also the wife of the late Ronnie Raymond, and is close friends with Cisco, Barry, Prof. Stein, Felicity and Ralph Dibny. She is also the former lover of "Jay Garrick", before discovering his true identity as Hunter Zolomon and the former girlfriend of Julian Albert. In the Flashpoint timeline, Caitlin is not a scientist but is a doctor who is unwillingly brought into Ramon Industries by Barry to help him restore the timeline. Following Barry's attempt to restore the timeline, Caitlin is once again a scientist at S.T.A.R. Labs, but also seemingly from changing time again she is also a meta-human with abilities similar to her Earth Two doppelgänger, who she is afraid of becoming like. However it's also implied that she could have been affected prior to Flashpoint.
Publication Information
- Flash : Dr. Caitlin Snow
- Multiverse : Earth One
- Version : The Flash 2014
- Alter Ego : Killer Frost
- Known As :
- Cait
- Caitlin Snow
- Meta-human
- Type :
- Member of Team Flash
- Bio-engineer at S.T.A.R. Labs
- Formerly Scientist at Mercury Labs
- Vigilante
- Formerly Criminal
- Formerly Co-leader of Savitar's cult
- Formerly Henchwoman of Amunet Black
- Formerly Bartender
- Relative :
- Affiliation :
- Gender : Female
- Origin : Earth One
- Season : The Flash
- First Appeareance : Arrow Season 2 Episod 19 : The Man Under the Hood
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Danielle Panabaker
- Main View : Full Episod

Particle Accelerator explosion
Caitlin was working on the night that the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator was to be switched on. She and her fiancé, Ronnie, were discussing their honeymoon when they were alerted of the impending switching on. After he switched it on, Dr. Harrison Wells went to make a toast, but it was made apparent that the particle accelerator was malfunctioning.
Time in Starling City
A little while later, Caitlin and Cisco were asked to pack up a S.T.A.R. Labs warehouse in Starling City, following the massive explosion that occurred in Central City. The two were doing an inventory count, discussing the particle accelerator's explosion, when they heard movement in the warehouse. They went to investigate, only to find a security guard standing there. Cisco assured him that they were almost done, though he just stared them down, creeping him out.
Working with The Flash
ine months after he was struck by lightning, Barry awoke from his coma to Lady Gaga's "Poker Face", a song he allegedly liked. Cisco called "Dr. Wells" down to lab as quickly as possible, and explained to Barry what had happened, introducing he and Caitlin. The two took a break as Wells showed Barry around S.T.A.R. Labs, explaining in depth what had actually happened. Later, after discovering that he had the ability to run at super speed, the team of four headed down to an airfield.
Working at Mercury Labs
After Ronnie's death Caitlin held herself responsible remembering Ronnie's offer to leave Central City months earlier, and kept thinking what might have happened if she'd said yes but she did not blame Barry despite his assumptions. Soon after she was employed by Dr. McGee at Mercury Labs as being at S.T.A.R. Labs reminded her too much of Ronnie, and subsequently had little to no contact with the rest of her friends.
Enter Zoom
After defeating him, Caitlin and Cisco see to it that S.T.A.R. Labs security is increased but as they are informing Barry of this, a stranger walks right in and introduces himself as Jay Garrick and tells them that their world is in danger. Jay reveals he knows the names of everyone present, Caitlin included, and explains that he is from another earth, Earth Two, and more shockingly reveals he is a speedster himself named "The Flash" and was unwillingly pulled brought there as a result of the singularity as he battled another speedster named "Zoom", the same man who sent Atom-Smasher to kill Barry.
Return of Killer Frost
Whether as the result of Flashpoint or not, Caitlin developed cryokinesis meta-human powers akin to those of her Earth Two counterpart. She kept this a secret from the rest of the team, using them to help Barry escape Mirror Master's mirror trap. However, she later noticed while taking a shower that some of her hair turned pale blonde; she promptly cut off the altered hair to hide her powers.
Erased future
According to Craig, a member of Savitar's cult, Caitlin would have been described as being "glorious and powerful", and Savitar had "special plans" for her, which did come true as she helped him and he needed her to kill Black Flash.
During a joint mission with the Legends to stop the Dominators' invasion, Caitlin mostly partnered up with Professor Martin Stein, who encouraged her to learn how to control her powers, instead of denying them, just like he did as Firestorm. On her end, Caitlin helped Professor Stein to accept his daughter, Lily Stein, who was born as a result of an accidental temporal aberration.
Defeating Alchemy
After the Flash has defeated Alchemy and took the Philosopher's Stone to S.T.A.R. Labs safe in its compartment box, Savitar tried to manipulate Cisco Ramon into taking the stone for himself and releasing him, appearing to Cisco in the guise of his late brother, Dante Ramon. Despite being threatened by Cisco not to approach him, Caitlin managed to talk him down and persuade to hide the Brahmastra, stopping Savitar again.
Attack on S.T.A.R Labs
A mysterious future villain of the Flash named Abra Kadabra appeared, stealing from several tech companies in an attempt to build a timeship to return to the 64th century. Abra Kadabra soon found himself chased after by the Flash and Gypsy, escaping, but not before telling Flash that he knew Savitar's name. Sometime later, he teleported into S.T.A.R Labs and ambushed Caitlin, Julian and Joe West, but was soon apprehended by the Flash and locked up in the Pipeline, taunting the team about his knowledge of Savitar.
Erased future
When Barry visited a possible future, in the year 2024, it is revealed that Caitlin allied herself with Savitar. Moreover, during a climactic battle, Vibe's arms were frozen and shattered by Caitlin, forcing him to replace them with bionic arms and subsequently making him unable to use his powers. Caitlin, still as Killer Frost, has been locked up in Iron Heights, and still refuses to divulge the identity of Savitar, with Julian as her caretaker.
Alliance with Savitar
Caitlin wandered around in the snow, only to encounter Savitar. She asked if Savitar wanted to cure her, to bring Caitlin Snow back, but the armored villain wanted just the opposite. Caitlin then asked Savitar why should she trust him. To prove that he can be trusted, Savitar removed his armor and revealed himself as a future version of Barry. Seeing that, Caitlin agreed to do anything he wants.
Rediscovery and return
Trying to find her own way in life, Caitlin left Team Flash and journeyed away, trying to stay undetected. Staying low profile, she didn't use her many doctorates to get a high paid job, but worked as a waitress in a bar instead. During her stay away from S.T.A.R. Labs she was contacted by Norvok, a member of Amunet Black's organization, and worked for them.
- Computer specialist : As a member of S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin has some technological skills of note, albeit not her main area of expertise as was evident in her ability to reprogram S.T.A.R. Labs satellite to track meteorological abnormalities over Central City, so they could find the location of Clyde Mardon.
- Expert medic : Caitlin is an expert in medical care, as seen when she was able to cure Barry Allen after he was poisoned by Kyle Nimbus, and later, when she was able to patch-up the former when he was seriously injured by Tony Woodward, Caitlin was also able to patch-up Eobard Thawne after he was brutally beaten up by his Reverse-Flash speed mirage.
- Genius-level intellect : Caitlin is very intelligent, having a PhD and two doctorates. Her talents have been a crucial aid in helping Team Flash. Also, she, along with Cisco Ramon, were able to create a cure for Mirakuru.
- Expert driver : Caitlin is capable of driving a car.
- High pain tolerance : Caitlin is shown to have a remarkable level of endurance. Despite the grievous injuries she gained from Abra Kadabra, she was able to maintain consciousness through the surgery to remove the shrapnel in her body, all while instructing Julian.
- Trained neurosurgeon : Caitlin once mentioned that she knows how to perform a lobotomy, a procedure that requires both training and skill in the field of neurosurgery.
- Hand-to-hand combatant : To a yet to be elaborated degree during the past six months since Barry disappeared into the Speed Force, Caitlin as Killer Frost, demonstrated a measure of sheer hand-to-hand combat when she reversed an arm bar exerted upon her and then slamming the guilty party responsible, pinning him painfully against a pinball machine.
- Marksmanship : Armed with a Cold Gun, Caitlin displayed being able to incapacitate a crazed Barry running wildly around S.T.A.R. Labs despite the fact that the latter was accelerated in super-speed and much faster than ever before.
- Carbine : Caitlin has implied that like her Earth Two counterpart, her powers have no effect on carbine.
- Power-dampening tech : If Caitlin is wearing power-dampening cuffs, she can't use her powers.
- Super speed : If a speedster brings Caitlin into Flashtime, causing her to move as fast as a speedster, the amount of heat this creates makes it impossible for Caitlin to use her powers. Also, despite the fact the Caitlin's healing factor exceeds Barry's, it is unable to prevent her from becoming exhausted as quickly as a normal person would in "Flashtime".
- Julian Albert's serum : Julian worked with Caitlin's mother, Carla Tannhauser to create a serum capable of removing Caitlin's powers. According to Caitlin, while the serum initially seemed to work, Killer Frost reemerged sometime afterwards, stronger than before, and was no longer affected by the serum.
- Borderline split personality disorder : Caitlin's changing biology also caused physiological effects. The more she would use her powers, the crueler and more sadistic she would become, showing no emotional attachment or regard for human life.
- Limited/Unstable control of powers : According to her mother, the continuous use of Caitlin's powers would end up making her unable to turn them off.

- Main Article : Killer Frost
- Origin : Earth One
- Version : The Flash 2014
- Type : Super Heroes
- Known as : Dr. Caitlin Snow
- Height :
- Weight :
- Eyes : Blue
- Hair : Blond
- Type : Metahuman
- Punching Power :
- Kicking Power :
- Maximum Jump Height :
- Maximum Power :
- Power-dampening cuffs : After her powers began manifesting, due to her unstable control over them, Caitlin initially wore a pair of Cisco's power-dampening cuffs on her wrists as a means to help keep her powers in check. However, she abandoned use of these when she couldn't keep them charged for long periods of time and would have to sit with them plugged in, which she said made her "feel like a human tablet
- Solar power collection pendant : Julian made Caitlin a pendant designed to dampen her powers, as well as to collect solar energy in order to help charge it whenever she went outside, so that it continues to work without constant recharging. However, upon her temporary death, Julian removed it; as Killer Frost, she destroyed it.
- Cold Gun : She temporarily used the Cold Gun to contain Fallout from having a nuclear explosion.

- Killer Frost suit : After her Killer Frost side returns, Caitlin starts wearing a new protective jacket when she is in battle.
- Cold Gun : After Caitlin lost her powers she started using a version of the cold gun.
- Ice Throwers : Alternatively called Frost Bites by Barry, are wrist mounted cryogenic blasters used by Caitlin to save DeVoe's hostages.
- Main Article : Caitlin Snow (Earth Two)