Cecille Horton is the District attorney of Central City. She is the girlfriend of Joe West and the mother of Joanie. When a police cruiser camera apparently caught Detective Eddie Thawne shooting two officers without warning, Cecille interrogates Thawne at CCPD. Despite Captain David Singh unwilling to believe Thawne to be capable of murder and Barry Allen pointing out lack of powder burns on his clothes, Cecille refused to be moved.
Later, she, Singh and Barry watched security footage of the Flash fighting Hannibal Bates, who shape-shifted into multiple forms, including Thawne's. Cecille remarked that law wasn't ready for meta-human criminals. After dropping the charges against Thawne, Barry provided evidence for Cecille to exonerate Bates' other victims he framed for his crimes. She was approached by Joe West, who asked her to help him transport some imprisoned Meta-humans to a secure location. However, she turned him down, as they could be arrested for it. Over a year later, she informed Joe that the D.A.'s office had no information on Alchemy and guessed that his inquiry was meta-human-related. Later, she and Joe visit Rosa Dillon at Iron Heights for information on the whereabouts of her boyfriend Sam Scudder, who gained power over mirrors, according to a former associate of Leonard Snart, who was assaulted by Scudder.
Publication Information
- Flash : Cecille Horton
- Version : The Flash Series
- Known As : Joe West
- Type :
- District attorney of Central City
- Member of Team Flash : In secret
- Relative :
- Affiliation : Central City Police Department(CCPD)
- Gender : Female
- Origin : Earth 1
- Season : The Flash
- First Appeareance :
- Last Appeareance :
- Number of Appeareance :
- Potrayer : Danielle Nicolet
- Main View : Full Episod

As soon as they were done questioning her, Scudder appeared and broke Dillon out using meta-human powers. After Scudder and Dillon were apprehended by the Flash and Jesse Quick, and sent to Iron Heights, Barry assured Cecille and Joe that Scudder couldn't Mirror Master his way out because his cell was lined with an anti-reflective material. Afterwards, she asked Joe out on a date, but he declined, stating that he had movie night with his kids. A couple weeks later, Cecille went on a date with Joe to see The Shining at a local park. However, their date was interrupted by an attack from the meta-human Shade.
Cecille and Joe meet again during Christmas when they toast to their grandmothers, then they kiss. Cecille is seen again with Joe, before Iris and Wally steal the papers on arms dealer from their father. Later, Cecille goes for coffee with Joanie, her daughter in the company of Barry, Iris, Wally and Joe before Clive Yorkin arrives for Joe. Wally as Kid Flash succeeds to flee him and save the rest of the group. Cecille and Joe go on another date with Barry and Iris.
Love relationship with Joe West and ally of Team Flash
Cecille and Joe were seen again after a race and they kissed before Joe received a call, forcing him to leave Cecille. Cecille was then kidnapped by Killer Frost in exchange for Tracy Brand, the only person who could stop Savitar. But her plan failed and Cecille was saved. Soon after, Joe admitted his love to Cecille and told her about Barry and Wally's alter egos.
Soon after this Barry went through an experiment to try and prevent himself from creating new memories in an effort to stop Savitar from using his knowledge of the future against the team, However the experiment failed and left Barry with temporary amnesia. At the same time the trial for Lucious Coolidge was moved to an earlier time. This caused Cecille to call in Barry as he was the CSI officer assigned to the case because he needed to testify in court however he still had amnesia, much to her dismay. She attempted to work with the problem until it backfired, causing Coolidge to walk free and terrorize the city again.
Cecille was talking to Joe about how they are going to live their life. Cecille makes the decision of moving to a different home. But when Hazard releases bad luck to many, the West Residence falls apart slowly. After Cecille puts new coats on the wall. He tells her that they don't have to live here, Cecille has a change of heart and wants to live at the West residence telling him "I'm pregnant". Joe didn't know how to react.
Shortly after this she stepped down from being the DA in order to be Barry's lawyer after he was framed for Clifford DeVoe's murder; despite this he was still sentenced to jail. After Barry was sentenced Cecille discovered that due to being in the city of the time Particle accelerator explosion she acquired the gestational meta ability of being telepathic, though it remained unclear whether the power was actually Cecille's, or if it was her future daughter's.
- Telepathy : From unknown means, Cecile developed a minor form of telepathy, able to hear the thoughts of anyone near her. Caitlin Snow theorizes that this may have been brought on by her pregnancy activating residual dark matter in her body from the first particle accelerator. To which, it is unclear if Cecille's powers are permanent or will end after giving birth to her new child.
- High-level intellect/Expert lawyer : Cecille is very intelligent, as the District attorney of Central City, she is an excellent lawyer; as Cecille has successfully prosecuted many criminals and presumably has never lost a case.
- Network : As the District attorney, Cecille has access to the resources of her office and the Central City Police Department.


Millie is the grandmother of Cecille Horton and the great-grandmother of Joanie. Whenever joining her family for Christmas, she would make her special batch of eggnog. On Christmas 2016, Cecille wanting to challenge Joe West's eggnog from his grandmother to her own, Cecile asked Mille to make a batch. Upon comparing the two drinks, both Cecille and Joe coughed fiercely, jokingly declaring that their respective grandmothers are alcoholics.

- Potrayer : Riley Jade Berglund

- Potrayer :
- Jenna Marie West, born May 22, 2018 is the daughter of Cecille Horton and Joe West. Jenna Marie West was born to Joe West and Cecille Horton on May 22, 2018 in S.T.A.R. Labs in Central City. She was later introduced to the members of Team Flash, received as the team's "newest member".