Tatsuya Asami is TimeRed of the Timerangers. The protagonist, he is a 22 year old martial artist who was "drafted" into the team to unlock the Chrono Changers.
He refuses to accept fate and his heritage as future CEO of his father's company. He believes that people can control their own destiny, but only if they fight for a desirable future.
After joining the Timerangers, Tatsuya decides to move out of his father's house and uses his savings to rent the building that would be the Timeranger's home. Tatsuya works as a Karate Teacher at Tomorrow Research. When operating the Robo formations, Tatsuya is usually in charge of accessing the finisher moves to recapture the Londerz Prisoners by wielding a miniature version of the Space-Time Sword/Chrono Divider to mimic the movement pattern.
Publication Information
- Timerangers : Tatsuya Asami
- Japanese : 浅見 竜也
- Type : Timerangers
- Color : Red
- Known As : TimeRed II
- Gender : Male
- HomeWorld : Earth (Main Timeline Continuity)
- Season : Mirai Sentai Timeranger
- First Appeareance : Mirai Sentai Timeranger Case File 1 : The Time Fugitives
- Last Appearance : Kamen Rider × Super Sentai : Super Hero Taisen
- Number of Appearances : 54 (Timerangers)
- Potrayer : Masaru Nagai
- Main View : Full Episode
In the finale, one year after the final battle, Tatsuya continues to live freely by himself choosing this lifestyle until he feels that he is ready to join his father's company. Although Yuri is the team leader, Tatsuya is the driving force of the Timerangers, essentially acting as field commander during the battles.
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger vs Super Sentai
TimeRed is among the Sentai warriors seen in clips when Yuusuke Amamiya (Red Falcon) lectured Gaku Washio (GaoYellow) about the past Sentai sword experts, showing him that the true sword wasn't the sharpest, but the one that feeds on courage. Led by his Liveman predecessor Red Falcon, he appeared as one of 24 previous Red Rangers in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai together with fellow Red Rangers from his predecessors AkaRenger to GoRed.
Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
Years later, Tatsuya fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth in the Great Legend War. He and his team were seen fighting alongside with the Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger team. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Zgormin commanders. Kaijou noticed the fleet moving towards them, he gathered all the Rangers together and gave them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada. The TimeRed powers are later used by Captain Marvelous via the Ranger Keys.
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger : Farewell Space Pirates
After the Zangyack's final defeat, Captain Marvelous returned the Ranger Keys to their original owners, it is assumed Tatsuya and his teammates have their powers again.
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai : Super Hero Taisen
Tatsuya, alongside his team (bar TimeFire), among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes, was caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident which eventually resulted in the Super Sentai teams and Kamen Riders joining forces to defeat both Dai-Zangyack and Dai-Shocker. During the final battle, he is seen fighting a Gormin, and a Dogormin.
Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger : Message from the Future from Super Sentai
TimeRed appears as part of a conference of the first 38 Reds whom address the Ninningers and Zyuohgers.
Game Appeareances The TimeRed are among all the Sentai teams which appear in the arcade game Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O
- Super Sentai Battle Base

- Main Article : TimeRed
- Height :
- Weight :
- Punching Power :
- Kicking Power :
- Maximum Jump Height :
- Maximum Running Speed :
- Finisher Power :
- Season : Mirai Sentai Timeranger
See more:
- Main Article : TimeRed Powers and Abilities
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / powerrangers.wikia