Jan Kandou is GekiRed of the Gekirangers. He practices the Fierce Beast Tiger-Fist style, though still a beginner, his main focus is on power.
He's a wild child who was raised by tigers deep within the forest near the Beast Origin Village. The son of Dan, Jan was the sole surviving member of the nearby village that was destroyed by Long. Long had intended to kill Jan in order to prevent Rio from fighting him, since Rio would undoubtably see Jan as a potential rival since Dan is his father. Jan's mother sacrificed herself to save Jan by taking a fatal blow from Long and at the same time pushing Jan off a cliff into a raging river. The shock left Jan with amensia, he survived by living with tigers in the wild.
Publication Information
- Protagonist : Jan Kandou
- Japanese : 漢堂 ジャン
- Gekiranger : GekiRed
- Label : Red
- Gender : Male
- Homeworld : Earth
- Season : Juken Sentai Gekiranger
- First Appearance : Juken Sentai Gekiranger Lesson 1 : Niki-Niki! Fierce Beast-Fist!
- Last Appearance : Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff : Super Hero Taisen Z
- Number of Appearances : 49 (Gekiranger), 1 (Gokaiger), 7 (movies)
- Potrayer : Hiroki Suzuki, Arashi Fukasawa (child), Yuki Yamada (Voice in Super Hero Taisen), Kenta Suga (Voice in Super Hero Taisen Z)
- Main View : Full Episod
As he was raised by animals, he doesn't know and has to learn about the "Heart". Jan is eventually labeled as Rio's rival after witnessing the display of power used to stop his own attack. He became Sharkie Chan's first student of the Fierce Beast Shark-Fist sword-fighting style. Though Jan possesses the Extreme Ki, he is unable to fully use it in his first fight with Rio. Because of his lineage, his senses have been sharply enhanced to feel qi like Sha-Fu, who scouted Jan as he personifies the "Body", also pronounced as Karada) of a Gekiranger: Resistance to most forms of pain.
This selection is strengthened when Jan emits Fierce Ki while giving off a "Tiger's Roar" when the Confrontation Beast-Fist Akugata began to attack. Although at first he doesn't understand certain concepts or training, he eventually picks up and learns about it at a fairly high pace. He does not know very many common words so he sometimes describes things with words such as "niki-niki", "zowa-zowa", "waki-waki", his own personal "Jan-ish" language.
Engine Sentai Go-Onger vs. Gekiranger
Although he was unable to endure Jan's teachings, Go-On Red runs to Hiroto and Miu's aid as he battles Nunchaku Banki and gets Speedor back with his newly-acquired Engine Fist. After mastering their own Engine Fist style, the other Go-Ongers arrive to support Go-On Red and GekiRed while getting back their Engine Souls. After scrapping Nunchaku Banki, the Pollution Ministers retreat to have Meka fend for himself. However, Long breaks from his seal, discarding his robot vessel with intent to get his revenge.
Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
A few years later, Jan fought alongside not only his own team, but every single Sentai ranger in existence, against the Empire of Zangyack when it attacked the Earth in the Great Legend War. In the Great Legend War, he was seen fighting alongside fellow martial artist Ryo of the Heavenly Fire Star, taking down Gormin. After fighting against hundreds of Gormin and their Zgormin commanders. Akarenger noticed the fleet moving towards them, he gathered all the Rangers together and gave them the order to sacrifice their powers to wipe out the first invasion's armada.
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger : Farewell Space Pirates
Eventually, the Gokaigers got a clue to the great treasure they have been searching for leading them to look for the "tiger's child." After the battle with Master Pachacamac XIII, Doc and Ahim meet with the traveling teacher while he was teaching his students how to use the Jyuken Fists. It wasn't until after they trained with him that they learned he was the "tiger's child" they were looking for with one of Jan's students referring to him as GekiRed.
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai: Super Hero Taisen
Jan, alongside his team (Rio and Mele were absent), was among the majority of the Super Sentai heroes caught up in the "Super Hero Taisen" incident which eventually resulted in the Super Sentai teams and Kamen Riders joining forces to defeat both Dai-Zangyack and Dai-Shocker. During the final battle, he is seen fighting Gecko Imagin.
Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff : Super Hero Taisen Z
The Gekiranger trio were among the various superheroes that came to help during the Space Shocker crisis, having been summoned by Gai Ikari. They appeared with the Livemen and Gingamen to aid Kamen Rider Beast against a Space Shocker force led by Space Spider Man. After Demon King Psycho was destroyed, the Gekirangers appeared on a cliff alongside all the other past heroes to say goodbye to the heroes of recent years before taking their leave.
Appearances in other media
- Bouken Red and GekiRed walk through a fog and give each other a high five. Bouken Red walks off to the fog where GekiRed walked through, and the viewers' attention turns toward GekiRed.
- GekiRed runs to Go-On Red, waving at him, and gives him a high five. Like a car, Go-On Red dashes off while GekiRed waves at him again.
- In Nobuo Akagi/AkibaRed's roll call in the twelfth episode of Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger, which served as the finale of the first season, he says that "[his] favorite Final Battle is that of Jan and Rio."
- Kozukozu Mita cosplays as Jan in the fifth episode of Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger: Season Two.
- GekiRed as depicted in Super Sentai Battle : Dice-O.
- Super GekiRed as depicted in Super Sentai Battle : Dice-O
GekiRed Arsenal, Weapon & Abilities

Related Post : Source : wikipedia / powerrangers.wikia